Quick - growing Acacia-like trees, with graceful pinnate leaves and clusters of pea-like flowers. R. hispida, the Rose Acacia, grows up to 15 ft. high, and has the young branches covered with bristly hairs. The flowers are rosy pink. R. neo-mexicana is not yet well known. It has the young leaflets covered with brownish hairs, and bears deep-rosy flowers. R. Pseud-acacia, the False Acacia, is the best-known species. It grows up to 60 ft. high, and has graceful foliage and white flowers. There are several varieties, including Bessoniana, largely grown as a mop-headed tree; Decaisneana, bright rose-pink flowers; inermis, without thorns. Pyramidalis, macrophylla, angustifolia, and many other names are given to express certain peculiarities. R. viscosa, 20-40 ft. high, has clammy young shoots and rose-coloured flowers. The kinds mentioned are natives of North America. They flourish in ordinary garden soil, and are easily raised from seeds. Special varieties, however, are grafted on stocks of the common kind.