James Veitch & Sons, Royal Exotic Nursery, King's Road, Chelsea, London.

This work is quite worthy of the firm who have produced and published it. Merely to recapitulate the plan of the work will show that, if well carried out - as it certainly is - it cannot fail to he a popular and most useful work. Part 1 is a general review of the Coniferous orders. It contains a brief description of Coniferous wood, the organs of fructification and vegetation, the secretions, economic properties, diseases and accidents, the distribution of the Coniferae over the globe, and lastly, the scientific arrangement and nomenclature as given by the most eminent botanists who have studied the order. Part 2 contains a synopsis of general species and varieties suitable for cultivation in Great Britain. Part 3 contains lists of the species and varieties suitable for the different purposes for which Coniferae are planted, with hints as to their treatment. It is abundantly manifest in every page of the book that it has been executed with the greatest care and a minute knowledge of the subject. The information is given in a thoroughly handy form.

Numerous well-executed woodcuts and illustrations add much to the interest of the volume, which should be in the hands of all interested either practically or scientifically in Coniferous trees.
