Annual Report of the Division of Forestry of the Department of Agriculture, for 1886. By B. E. Fernow.

These two pamphlets show that there is yet a wide spread interest in the subject of forestry, and much good will follow eventually from the work now being done. Mr. Fernow is throwing himself energetically into the cause, and has got over an immense amount of work. The statistical tables are especially useful and will be for a long time of service as a work of reference. It appears from these reports that though small groups of trees are being set out in large numbers, only a few instances may be cited of forestry planting as a regular business enterprise. The forests set out by Douglas, and by Mr. Fay, seem still about the only forests planted on a scale commensurate with the importance of the work. Commissions and reports on reports from various quarters are abundant. Surely some practical good result must eventually come.