As to the value of wood ashes in not only preventing but curing blight in the pear, there can be but little doubt. Coal ashes have been also advocated and tried, but they have not the same value; and when contrary opinion has existed it originated in the following way. Horticultural societies have discussed the question a great deal of late, and the "burden of proof" is with wood ashes - negative results coming in every case (as far as I have learned) from those who had used coal ashes.

Coal ashes are beneficial, but wood ashes, it seems, are preventative and curative. In some cases it may fail, so do what are recognized by doctors as the best medical remedies.

Mr. Fraily, who resides in the northern portion of this state, first called my attention to this remedy. Fifteen years ago a number of pear trees in his orchard became badly blighted, apparently beyond recovery. One or two of the trees which he allowed to go too far died. But the rest he restored to vigor by a coating of wood ashes under the trees. Since that time he has kept up this practice and the original trees are healthy and bearing annually.

In one or two instances where a tree, perchance, was overlooked, the blight showed signs of reappearance, but by immediate attention he stopped it in every case by again resorting to wood ashes.

As a remedy here, and in the case of peach borer, as well as a vegetable tonic, the value of wood ashes is being recognized, but not as rapidly or universally as it ought. New Albany, Ind.

[Wood ashes make an excellent fertilizer for pear trees, and there can be no doubt that anything that adds to the constitutional vigor of a tree is an aid in resisting disease.

The researches of Prof. Burrill and T. C. Arthur show that bacteria have so close a relation to the disease that they are probably the cause - they say positively they are the cause of fire blight in the pear. This being the case it is not clear how anything applied to the roots can be an absolute preventative. Experiences like these are, however, valuable, as they lead to the testing of theories, which is always a gain to practical gardening. - Ed. G. M].