E. Wight, Chairman; Joseph Breck, C. M. Hover, W. R. Austin, F. L. Winship, W. C. Strong, A. W. Stetson. On Flowers. - Joseph Breck, Chairman; A. McLennan, E. A. Story. Thos. Paee, Azell Bowditch, G. Evers, F. Burr. On Vegetables. - H. Bradlee, Chairman; D. T. Curtis, A. C. Bowditch, Peter Lawson, J. B. Moore. On Library. - C. M. Hovey, Chairman; Azell Bowditch, W. S. King, Samuel Knee-land, Jr.; R. M'Cleary Copeland, Librarian. On Synonyms of Fruit- M. P. Wilder, Chairman; P. B Hovey, B. V. French, S. Walker, Eben Wight. Executive Committee.- J. S. Cabot, Chairman; W. R. Austin, M. P. Wilder, 8. Walker, P. B. Hovey. For Establishing Premiums. - E. Wight, Chairman; J. Breck, H. Bradlee, F. L. Win-ship. P. B. Hovey. On Finance.- M. P. Wilder, Chairman; J. Stickney, O. Johnson. of Publications. - E. Wight, Chairman; J. Stickney, Joseph Breck, H. Bradlce, C. M. Hovey, W. C. Strong, F. L. Winsh'p. On Gardens.- Samuel Walker, Chairman; W. R. Austin, F. L. Winship, T. Page, E. Wight, J. Breck, H. Bradlee, eae officio members.

The thanks of the Society were presented to F. L. Winship, Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements, and to each of the members of the Committee, for the satisfactory manner in which they had discharged their duty.

On motion of W. C. Strong, a committee of three was appointed to consider the expediency of employing competent individuals to deliver a course of lectures before the Society. Messrs. Walker, Stickney, and Strong were appointed the Committee.

E. S. Rand, Esq., Chairman of the Special Committee appointed in July last to investigate the Report of the Select Committee and the doings of the Fruit Committee for 1853, with the award of premiums to Messrs. Hovey & Co., spoke at some length upon the subject, and the great injury which had resulted to the Society from the course which had been pursued. The Committee had not yet done anything in relation to the matter, and he would, therefore, on his own responsibility, as a member of the Society, to prevent any further agitation of the subject, make the following motion, viz.: That the Vote of Censure upon Mr. C. M. Hovey adopted at the meeting in May last, be rescinded.

On motion of Mr. Rand it was then voted that the Special Committee be discharged from the further consideration of the subject, and a new Committee appointed to draw up a vote agreeable to the recommendation of Mr. Rand. Messrs. Rand, Stickney, and Sleeper were appointed the Committee.

Mr. Rand read a draft of a by-law which he had drawn up to prevent any future cause of trouble in relation to the awards of premiums. And this was referred to the Committee having the revision of the by-laws under consideration. The President and E. S. Rand were added to that Committee.

Mr. Joseph Breck, who had been reelected Chairman of the Flower Committee, declined to serve another year, and Mr. F. Burr was chosen in his place. Mr. J. F. C. Hyde was then added to the Committee to fill the vacancy.