Dear Sir: In your favor of the 1st of this month, you asked of me to name to you the best native grapes for wine. Of these the Delaware is undoubtedly the first, although it may not be the most profitable. I am inclined to call the Diana No. 2, but have not had sufficient experience in cultivating this grape to determine, and will therefore rank the Lincoln second in quality; next is Herbemont, which far exceeds both the foregoing in bearing and growth, and, I think, if it be fully tried, will prove one of our first wine grapes, especially in the South. The afore-named grapes all far exceed the Catawba in quality, though not in evert other respect.

The Delaware wine, in my opinion, far exceeds any native wine. It has more strength than any of the rest, and will consequently keep longer.

The Lincoln wine is red, and, in my opinion, equal to the Norton's Verginia, if not superior.

The Herbemont is a grape of which the qualities and advantages are not yet known, although it has been cultivated a long time.

The Marion grape will produce more, and make better wine than any of the Isabella species, of which there are at least half a dozen kinds.

Should my remarks on this subject be too limited to answer your purposes, please call again, and I shall endeavor to satisfy you with the greatest of pleasure.

Cincinnati, 0. Yours very respectfully, C. F. Schnicke.

[The above from Mr. Schnicke is in response to an inquiry as to the best wine grapes, so far as tried. We are obliged to you for your answer, and shall accept your invitation to "call again." Mr. Schnicke is among our most successful wine makers, and his opinion is entitled to consideration, - Ed.]