The fruit offered consisted principally of strawberries. Of these the display was very good, although the warm and dry weather that preceded the exhibition injured the sue and appearance of the specimens, and prevented many from exhibiting who have heretofore contributed valuable collections. Of varieties not exhibited here before, the most interesting were McAvoy's Superior, which promises to be a very productive and valuable variety; a seedling of Messrs. Bissell A Hooker, of fine flavor, and quite early, ripening with the early scarlet; Walker's Seedling, a very dark crimson, conical fruit, of good quality, and very productive.

Amateur Contributors

T. A. Newton, for M. Southworth, of Penfield, 2 varieties Burr's New Pine and Hovey's Seedling. A. Pinney, Esq., of Clarkson, 5 varieties. R. G. Pardee, of Geneva, 18 varieties in separate dishes, and a mixed dish, containing specimens of some 40 or 50 sorts.


Messrs. H. Hooker A Co., 8 varieties; Messrs. Frost A Co., 2 varieties; Ellwanger A Barry, 80 varieties.

Premiums Awarded - To Amateurs

For the best quart, to T. A. Newton, for Burr's New Pine; for greatest number of varieties, and best grown, to R. G. Pardee.

To Nurserymen

For the best quart, to Ellwanger A Barry, for the Genesee; for the second best, to Messrs. Frost & Co., for Hovey's Seedling; for the greatest number of varieties and best grown, to Ellwanger A Barry.

Of Cherries, few were presented, being too late for the early varieties, and too early for the late ones. Ellwanger A Barry exhibited a dieh each of Belle of Orleans, Early Purple Guigne Batman's May, and Early White Heart, besides a few specimens of Coe's Transparent. Mr. Powis, of Greece, a dish of Early Purple Guigne. Mr. Lovecraft, a branch of fine specimens, supposed to be Bauman's May.

The committee awarded a premium to the Belle of Orleans, being beautiful specimens af a fine new variety.