This section is from "The Horticulturist, And Journal Of Rural Art And Rural Taste", by P. Barry, A. J. Downing, J. Jay Smith, Peter B. Mead, F. W. Woodward, Henry T. Williams. Also available from Amazon: Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste.
The quince trees throughout a large extent of country have for several years, at least, been infested by an insect apparently of the moth species. Of the natural history, or even the existence of this minute animal, I have seen no notice whatever. The effects of its ravages, however, have been observed with disappointment and vexation by many a matron whose hopes of a full supply of this fruit have been sorely disappointed.
The presence of the enemy is usually indicated when the fruit is about half grown. The leaves of the tree lose their freshness and assume a russetty, reddish brown appearance. The growing shoots are feeble, with small leaves often curled at their edges, and soon cease to grow. The fruit becomes affected, grows but slowly, if at all, and much of it falls off before maturity. Even that which remains on the trees till autumn, is defective and almost worthless.
In searching for the cause of these effects, I have discovered a very small grey, or yellowish grey fly, or moth, mottlod with specks or stripes of a darker color. I have not yet detected either the larva or chrysalis, but abundant marks of its action and what appeared to be foecal remains. These appearances, and the residence of the fly, is on the under side of the leal.
A gentleman residing some distance from this place, succeeded in expelling these vermin from a small tree by throwing a sheet over it and burning several sulphur matches beneath. In a very few days that tree resumed its freshness and verdure, while all the others retain their unsightly aspect.
Will not you, Mr. Editor, or some of your able correspondents, give your readers full and practical information on this subject? A Mississippi Subscriber.
Undoubtedly an aphis. Fumigation with sulphur or tobacco, or sprinkling freely with tobacco water, will prove effectual.
Observation and inquiry lead us to the conclusion that the quince cannot he successfully cultivated in the West. - South- Western Culturist.
Mr. Editor: Where can apple on orange quince trees be had? and of what age, quantity, size, and price ? Please inform a subscriber through your valuable journal. Kent Co., Delaware, June 80,1868.
[Will some of our nurserymen who have quinces to sell please advertise them, or notify us that we may inform our correspondent. - Ed.]
Hollyhocks may now be propagated as soon as cuttings can be got from the stool. Cuttings from the flowering stems do not make good plants.
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