Publications And Catalogues Received

Annual report Mercantile Library, N. Y., 1871. Report Diseases American Cattle, 1869. Iowa Horticultural Report, 1869. Transactions Indiana State Agricultural Society, 1871. Wholesale Catalogue, fall, 1871. Nicholas & News on, Geneva. Catalogue of E. H. Krelage & Son, Harlem, Holland. Annual Report Commissioner of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. List of Agricultural and Horticultural Societies in the United States.

Published By Harper And Brothers, Franklin Square, New Tore

Sent by mail, Postage-paid, on Receipt of Price.

The Pulpit And Rostrum



Twelve Humbert, $1.00, in advance; Single Number, 10 cents.

The special object in the publication of this Serial Is, to preserve is convenient form the best thoughts of our most gifted man, just as they come from their lips; thus retaining their freshness and personality. Great favor has already been shown the work, and its containance to certain. The successiv numbers will be tanned en often en Discourses worthy a place in the Serial can be found; out of the away reported, we hope to elect twelve each year.

The Pulse Machine

Professor Blerordt, of Frankfort, has invented a machine to record the beating of the human pulse. The arm is placed in a kind of cradle, which keeps it steady; a lever rests by one end on the artery, and at every beat a pencil, on the opposite end, marks a cylinder of paper. If the pulse be regular, a regular zigzag line is produced; if irregular, the line is full of breaks and jerks.

Purple Borecole

This is a very hardy sort, of a dark purple color. In other respects, similar to the above, and may be treated in the same manner.

Purple Cane Raspberries

These are classed by botanists as varieties of the Black Cap species (Rubus occi-dentalis), and they succeed with few exceptions over as wide a range of country, and in as great a variety of soils. The old Purple Cane Raspberry (fig. 130) has long been one of the standard varieties for home use, and in some sections it has been quite extensively grown for market. The plant is very hardy, a rampant grower, producing few suckers, being mainly propagated from the tips of the young canes.

The fruit is rather small and brittle, but of good quality, and is produced in great abundance.


Fig. 133. - Souchetti.

The Purple Cane Raspberry

It possesses more than any other the true flavor of the raspberry; it is full one week earlier than any we know of; it is hardy; it is productive; it carries well to the market, and is always saleable. Only give it the same attention bestowed upon others, and our word for it you will agree with us that none excels it in the earliness of its ripening, in its delicious flavor, or its popularity in the market. After cultivating it for thirty years, this is our opinion of the Early Purple Cane. - -German-town Telegraph.