Standard Honeysuckles

An exchange gives the following directions to trim the honeysuckle into a bush form , giving it great beauty and effect: Buy a plant of it , train or tie to a stout stake , prune freely but not too severely , give good soil and culture , and "it will grow into a plant that will astonish , by its flowering capacity , thousands who have not seen it so trained"

The Seckel Pear , according to a correspondent of the Gardener's Monthly , at Suspension Bridge , N . Y . , is "wonderfully improved" by applying ashes , lime and bones , in autumn , and pruning and thinning out the thick branches early in spring .

Standards On Quince

Those sorts which grow freely and endure well on the Quince, as Louise Bonne of Jersey, Angoulerae, Glout Morceau, etc., maybe set out in orchards and trained standard height. Specimens thus treated, more than twenty years old, bearing usually several bushels a year, were observed in a fine condition in the gardens of S. Walker and M. P. Wilder. The Langelier and Bous-sock promise to be good for this purpose. - J. J. T. in Cult.

Standing Fruit Committee

Jonathan Bat-tey, Jasper Curtis, Albert Carpenter, C. Good

Stangebia Paradoxa. Nat. Ord. Cycadeoe. Syn. Lomaria Coriacea

This remarkable plant is a native of Natal, and was sent by Dr. Stanger to N. B. Ward, Esq., by whom it was presented to the Chelsea Botanic Gardens, in 1851. Since that time it has been in cultivation at Kew. The caudcx is about a foot in length, tapering to the base and terminating in a few roots; the leaves are spreading, two feet long, by one broad; the leaflets opposite, about twelve pairs in number; the plant bears several green cones covered with imbricated scales; the former measure from two to six inches in length. (Bot Mag. 5121).

The Star Ipomoea

For training over old stumps of trees, or against walls and trellises, or as a happy contrast among other climbers, the Star Ipomoea is justly a favorite. Many of the varieties of the Ipomoea are very beautiful; their fine foliage and graceful form render them indispensable ornaments for green house, conservatory or garden decoration. The Star Ipomoea is honored as the finest of all varieties of this class; the flowers are scarlet, small, and form in great profusion; introduced from the East Indies.

Among other new varieties are the Bona Nox, of a violet color, very large, fragrant blossoms, which expand in the evening; grows to the height of ten feet. The Mexi-cana grandiflora alba is white, with immense flowers and long tubes ; introduced from Mexico.

Star Wick Vsotarire

G. E. French, (Alexandria, La.) We believe the Messrs. Parsons of Flushing, N. Y., are cultivating this variety.

State Agricultural Society, Kansas

The war has not prevented the formation of an Agricultural Society for Kansas. We trust it has a long career of usefulness before it. The following are its officers: President, Lyman Scott; Secretary, F. 6. Adams; Treasurer, Isaac Garrison; Executive Committee, E. B. Whitman, F. P. Baker, W. A. Shannon, C. B, Lines, J. C. Marshall, Martin Anderson, Thomas Arnold, J. W. Sponable, Welcome Wells, R. A. Vanwinkle.