It may not be generally known that Cabbages readily grow and are easily propagated by slips, A stump may be put out in the spring, and the sprouts as they vegetate cut off, the cut allowed to dry, and then planted. When Cabbage or Cauliflower throw off side shoots they may be used in the same way. Cabbage thus raised have short stalks, and are sure of being true to the parent I have often pursued this method when short of seed. C. E - Sandwich, C. W.

Cabbages #1

Although long lists of different sorts are quoted in seedsmen's catalogues, yet but few of them are suited to the wants of the farm gardener. With good seed of any of the following, he will have excellent cabbages:

Bergen Drumhead

A large sort, and the best keeper of any. Heads very large, round and tinged with purple; short stalk. The best of the Drumheads, but needs to be set out earlier than the following:

Flat Dutch

Another large sort, with very broad flat heads, and of a light green color. For fall and early winter use it is a very good sort, but with me has been a poor keeper.

Stone Mason

A solid but not large head, in fact rather small for market, but of excellent quality and a fair keeper. Their size is unimportant; it is always in good demand. It is excellent for late or delayed planting, as it matures quickly.

Drumhead Savoy

For table the best of all, but the public does not yet know it, and only a small number should be grown. A few freezings only make it the more tender and sweet. An excellent keeper.

Red Dutch

This should be planted at least two weeks before even the Bergen Drumhead, and upon richer soil. There is a limited call for it for pickling, and at the restaurants and oyster saloons. - Prairie Farmer.