From 15,82 kg. of the wood of Cinnamomum Parthenoxylon, Meissn. 124 cc. of oil were distilled in Buitenzorg3). The oil was heavier than water and, as ascertained by van Romburgh, it consisted principally of safrol In Java the wood is called Selasian-Wood.

A sample of this oil distilled by de Jong4) in Buitenzorg had the following constants: d16o1,0799; aD20o + l°22'; nD20ol,53229; soluble in 2,6 vol. or more of 90 p.c. alcohol. It was light yellow in color and showed a decided safrol odor. According to de Jong, the bark of this Cinnamomum species contains no volatile oil.

1) Report of Schimmel & Co. April 1911, 38. Baker uses the name Cinnamomum Laubatii; according to the Index Kewensis C. Laubatii, F. v. Mull. = C. Tama/a, Nees et Eberm.

2) R. F. Bacon, Philippine )ourn. of Sc. 5 (1910), A, 257; Report of Schimmel & Co. April 1911, 43.

3) Jaarb. dep. Landb. in Ned.-Indie, Batavia 1909, 64.

4) Report of Schimmel & Co. April 1911, 43.

In one of the earlier annual reports of Buitenzorg1) there occurs a description of an oil also distilled from the wood. Its density was 1,074 (at 28°) and it consisted principally of safrol. The safrol was identified by conversion into isosafrol, which furnished its characteristic nitrite. Upon oxidation safrol yielded piperonylic acid and its homologue, melting at 126°.

A third oil also distilled in Buitenzorg from saw dust had the following properties2): d 1,067; aD+ 1°3'; S. V. 8,4; E. V. after acetylation 11,8.