This difficulty generally affects the outer side of the great toe. It is generally produced by wearing narrow-toed shoes or boots, and trimming the nails too closely at the corners. In consequence of the pressure of the shoe, the edge of the nail is forced down into the flesh, producing much pain and irritation, especially in walking. Cutting away the edge of the nail does no good, as it will soon grow out and the difficulty will bo aggravated. When the irritation is extreme and kept up for a long time, inflammation and even ulceration may occur.

The Treatment of Ingrowing Toe Nails

When there is much soreness or inflammation, soak the feet in water as hot as can be borne two or three times a day, and apply cool compresses the rest of the time, giving the feet entire rest. When the inflammation is considerable, subdue it in this way: The center of the nail should be scraped very thin, a notch should be cut in the center at the end, and the edge should bo raised by carefully drawing under it threads of floss silk. An ingenious little instrument. Fig. 407, has recently been devised by means of which the edge of the nail may be raised, while the center is depressed. It has been highly recommended by those who have used it. Sometimes the case, becomes so bad that removal of the nail is the only remedy.

Fig. 407. Instrument for Treating Ingrowing Toe Nails.

Fig. 407. Instrument for Treating Ingrowing Toe Nails.