The first measures to be adopted are those which will secure, as far as possible, the removal of the causes of the affection. The diet should be properly regulated, the patient being required to take such food as will encourage elimination from the system of the products of excretion, which are diminished in this affection in a marked degree, the urine being pale and containing less than the usual portion of urea. Fruits, and such grains as oatmeal and whole-wheat meal, are among the most excellent articles of food for persons suffering with chlorosis. Sugar and fats should be avoided. Exercise should be taken in the open air, and the patient should be exposed to the sunshine as much as possible and surrounded with cheerful conditions. No special treatment should be employed for the purpose of bringing on menstruation until the patient's condition has been improved otherwise. Indeed, it is seldom necessary to give this symptom especial attention, as the function will be speedily restored when the cause of its suppression has been removed together with the other morbid conditions from which the patient has suffered. As is the case with anaemia, the favorite remedy in the popular treatment of chlorosis is iron, and there is little doubt that the administration of large doses of this drug will often cause the disappearance of some of the most prominent symptoms of the disease; but those who have had the most experience in the treatment of this affection admit that iron has no curative effect upon the real morbid condition present in this disease, and that all it can do is simply to palliate or temporarily remove the symptoms of the disease; for when its use is discontinued the great majority of cases will speedily relapse. It should be further stated with reference to the use of iron, that it very frequently greatly impairs the digestion, and consequently stands directly in the way of the effectual and permanent cure of the disease. Notwithstanding the general reliance placed upon this drug, it is undoubtedly accountable for a very large proportion of the failures in the treatment of this affection. We are thoroughly convinced by experience in the treatment of cases of this sort that they can be much more successfully treated by other means. We have never yet failed to cure cases which have come under our care by careful regulation of the hygiene of the patient, and the use of electricity, massage, and other remedies calculated to improve the character of the nutritive processes of the patient. No harsh or reducing remedies should be employed; but it is of very great advantage to encourage elimination to a sufficient extent. For this purpose the proper employment of water in connection with electricity is of very great service. The wet-hand rub with salt water every day, or three or four times a week, together with sitz baths three or four times a week, and, when possible, the application of electricity two or three times a week in such a manner as to secure a tonic effect, are useful for this purpose.