So far as mercurial salivation is concerned, the proper remedy is prevention by non-use of the drug. We believe that there is no disease or morbid condition which cannot be treated better without than with it. Dr. Vogel well demands that its use as a laxative "should be entirely done away with." As elsewhere shown, it is worthless as a cholagogue, even if its operation as such would be in any way desirable. We have also shown that it is useless, or worse than useless, in syphilis. What is it good for? and if it were useful for any purpose, should not the fact that it may do so much mischief, even when least suspected, and that when once introduced into the system it may remain and continue its destroying work for years,- should not these facts lead the wise and intelligent physician, anxious to do his patient the greatest good and the least harm, to abandon its use altogether? So it seems to us.

In other forms of salivation, the cause should be removed as the first measure of treatment; and when this is done, little else remains to be done; recovery will soon take place. Good results may sometimes be obtained by the use of astringent gargles, as sage tea, decoction of white-oak bark, carbolic acid, or common salt. The electro-thermal and electro-vapor baths should be employed in cases of mercurial salivation, and much benefit will be derived from their use, as they are the best known means of eliminating the poison from the system. The diet should, of course, be simple and unstimulating, and every means possiole should be adopted for building up the patient's health.