Ojah .........Strength; Vitality. See Vol. I. 130.

Intro. P. LVI. Omkara ......The mystic syllable "Om'.


Pachana.........Process of setting up suppuration.

Anything that digests the undigested food without increasing the appetite.

Panchangi ......A five-tailed bangage I- 168.

Pala .. .. .. A measure equal to 8 Tolas.

I - 545 Palala........ A preparation of treacle, pasted sesamum and corn Hour.

Palala .........Powdered sesame.

I - 101 Pandya.........The Deccan.

„ Pautana.........Mathura.

Panchangi ......A kind of Bandage. See Vol. I.

P. 168.

Pancha-karma......It is a technical term used for the application of the five medical measures viz. Emetics, Purgatives, Errhine.Asthapana and Anuvasana. I - 542 Panaka .........Syrup ; drinks; cordials.

Pancha-kola .. .. The five officinal drugs Pippali, Pippali-root, Chavya, Chitraka-root and S'unthi.

Fancha Lavana......The five different officinal salts.

See Vol. I. 527.

Parada .........Mercury. Vol. II. 508, 698.

I - 425 Paripatra .. .. The name of a mountain in the Deccan. The Western Range.

I - 41 Parjanya .. ......The rain-god ; a cloud.

I - 42 Parvata.........Mountain; the presiding god of the mountain.

II - 499 Parvan .........See foot-note, P. 499, Vol. II.

I - 180 Pas'upati..... . The name of S'iva of the Hindu Trinity.

Pavana........ The wind-god ; Vayu.

Payasa....... A preparation of rice, milk and sugar cooked together.

I - 533 Peya.........A preparation of rice, barley etc, boiled in 15 times of water.

I - 455 Phanita..... .. The inspissated or half boiled juice of sugar-cane; a variety of treacle.

I - 439 Piyusha.........The milk of a cow during the first seven days after calving.

I - 195 Pitta .........See Vol. I, P. 120. Intro, P. XLIII.

I - 41 Pitris .........The Manes, the deceased forefathers.

I - 41 Pis'acha.........A kind of demon.

Prajapati ......The first progenitor.

Pradeha ......Thick plaster. See Vol. I, Ch. 18.

Pralepa.........Plaster. See Vol. I, Ch. 18, P. 163.

Prana .. .. .. Strength or Protoplasm. One of the five vital Vayus. I - 253 Pranayama ......The regulation of the breath preliminary to the practice of Yoga. Pratoli .. .. .. A form of broad bandage. See Vol.

I, P. 167. Pratiloma .. .. Against the natural direction or bending of the hair, i.e. against the hair, hence against the natural course or motion of anything.

Prana-Vayu ......See Vol. II, P. 3.

Prakuncha..... A weight equal to eight Tolas or one Pala.

Pras'a .. .. ... A form of medicine - lit. that which is eaten, e.g. Chyavana-pras'a. Prasrita .. .. .. A measure equal to sixteen Tolas.

I - 547 Prithuka ......Thrashed or parched paddy.

I - 544 Pupa .........Cakes. See Apupa.

Purusha........ Vol. I, P. 9, 14 ; Vol. II. P. 117.

I - 42 Purushottama ......The foremost of beings.

Purva-rupa .. .. Premonitory symptoms or indications of a disease. Vol. I. 317. III - 89 Puta-paka .. .. A process of preparing medicine by burning something inside two pots hermetically closed, one placed upside-down over the other. II - 312 Phala-varti ......A kind of purgative plug. Suppository.


I - 538 Raga-shadava ......Soup prepared with grapes and the expressed juice of pomegranate.

Rajas .........The Principle of action and co-hesion.

See note Vol. II, P. 114, 120. I - 41 Rajarshi .. .. .. A royal sage.

Raksha-karma .. .. Incantations for the cure and safely of a patient. See Vol. I. Ch. 5.

II - 543 Rama...... .. The eldest son of Das'aratha, king of Ajodhya, better known as Rama Chandra.

Rasa .........The water-origined flavour. Expressed juice. Essence; serus fluid. Vol. I. P. 107 and P. 382; Vol. III. 392.

Rasa-kriya ......A process for preparing medicine by thickening the decoction of any drug or drugs. I - 541 Rasala .. .. .. A kind of sweetened drink.

Rati .........A measure equal to two grains.

Revati-graha .. .. The name of an evil goddess often doing harm to children.

Rik .........The name of one of the Vedas.

Rishi ........A sage ; a hermit.

Rudra .. ......The name of a god. The god of destruction.


I - 425 Sahya .........The Ghata mountains.

S'akra .........Indra, the king of the gods.

S'aktu .. .. .. Powdered barley.

S'alya .. .. .. See Vol. P. 56, 245.

II - 291 S'alvana-Upanaha .. A kind of fomentation by plastering.

Sams'odhana .. .. A medication which purifies the system by purgative or vomiting.

Vol. I. Intro. LXI. P. 358. I - 358 Sams'amana ......A medicine or measure which neutralises the Doshas in the system. Vol. I. Intro. LXI.

Sama .. ......The name of one of the Vedas.

Samana-Vayu ......See Vol. II, P. 3.

S'anaka .. .. .. The name of a sage.

Sannipatika .. .. Pertaining to the Sannipata or the simultaneous aggravation of all the three Doshas. I - 544 Sanyava.........A preparation of wheat boiled with milk, clarified butter etc. Sankhya.........One of the six schools of Hindu philosophy. I - 314 Sara .. .. .. The pith. Physical temperament.

Sarava.........A weight equal to 8 Palas or one seer.

S'arkara .. .. .. Sugar.

S'arkara .. .. .. Gravels ; concretions ; calculi.

Sarodaka ......The decoction of the drugs of the Sala-saradi group. See note Vol.

II. P. 387.

Sarpih .........Clarified butter.

Sattva .........An illuminating or psychic prin.

ciple. See note Vol. II. P. 114.

S'ataka........ Linen; cloth.

S'ata-dhauta Ghrita .. Clarified butter washed 100 times in water.

Sattaka . ......Vol. I. P. 544.

Shadava.........I. P. 549.

Sauvira .. .. .. A kind of fermented gruel prepared by boiling huskless barley.

I - 545 Shashkuli ......A kind of confectionary.

Siddhas .. .. .. A class of demi-gods.

I - 461 Sidhu .. .. .. Wine prepared from Madhuka flower.

I - 541 S'indaki.........A special combination of some spices.

A kind of firmented gruel prepared from radish, mustard etc.

S'iro-Virechana .. .. Sternutatoric. see Vol II. P. 659.

II - 92 S'iro-Vasti .. .. An application over the scalf.

An application of medicated oil on the head by tying a piece of leather all round the head, luting its margin to the skin by pasted Masha pulse and then filling the cavity thus formed with oil.

S'leshma.........See Kapha.

Sneha .........See Vol II. P. See 546.

Sneha-Karma .. .. The applying, whether internally or externally, of any oily (fotty) substance to the body. II. Ch. 31.

Sneha-paka ......See Vol II. P. 549.

Soma .........See note Vol. II. 530.

Souinya.........Pertaining to Soma or the moon-god; cold.

II - 527 S'reeS'ukta ......A number of holy Mantras dedicated to S'ree or the goddess of fortune.

Stambhana .. .. Constipator. Stuffing.

Ch. II. Sthandila.........The bare ground.

Sthagika.........A sort of bandage. See Vol I. P. 168.

S'udra .. .. .. One of the first four castes according to the Hindu S'astras. II - 290 Supta-Vata .. .. A kind of nervous disease.

See Vol. II. P. 290. I. - 465 S'ukta .. .. .. Acid fermentation of any article.

S'ukti .........A weight equal to four Tolas; an oyster.

Supa .. .. .. Soup.

Sutara .........Mercury. Vol. II. P. 698.

I. P. 18 Svaha-mantra ......The uttering of the holy word 'Svaha' in connection with the dedication of anything to a god.

Sveda-Karma ......Diaphoretic measures. Vol. II. P. 558.

Svastika .. .. .. A circular cross bandage. See Vol.

I. 167. I - 275 Svastika.........A cross-shaped religious insignia.

Sva-gotra.. .. .. One belonging to the same family.

Sveda .........See Vol. II P. 558.

S'yama stri ......A young lady of middle age.