II - 127 Havishya .. .. A particular course of food consisting of Ghrita, etc., esp. without meat and fish as prescribed in the Hindu Smriti.

Himalaya ... .. A mountain.

Homa .. .. .. Offering oblations to gods by throwing Ghee into the consecrated fire. Hotri .. .. .. A sacrificial priest, esp. one who recites the prayers of Rig-veda at a sacrifice. See note Vol. I. P. 305.

Hridya .. ......Cordial; pertaining to the heart; exhilarant.

Indra .........The king of the gods of Hindu mythology. The preceptor of the different branches of Hindu medicine.

I - 105 Indramada ......A kind of disease peculiar to the leeches.

II - 180 Indra-vasti ......The name of a Marma.

Isana .........The presiding diety of the northeast quarter. One of the different manifestations of S'iva.


Jangala . .. .. Pertaining to the forest; See Vol. I.

P. 326, 4S0. II - 133 Jatismara .. .. One who remembers his conditions in a former life.


I - 46 Kala .. .. .. A division of time; thirty Kashthas make one Kala, i.e. one hundred and forty-four seconds.

I- 164 Kalka .. .. .. A paste of any drug. In connection with any medicated oil or Ghrita this term is used to mean the pasted drugs with which the oil or Ghrita is cooked. See Vol. II 549.

I - 541 Kamvalika ......A kind of soup.

Kanjika .. .. .. A fermented acidgruel. The water of boiled rice etc. preserved in a closed pitcher for spontaneous fermentation.

II - 530 Kandarpa ......The cupid of the Hindu mythology.

I - 17 Karana .. .. .. An astrological division of the day.

Karma .. .. .. Physiological action. Action of medicine. - Vol. I.P. 377. I - 522 Karisha .. . .. Dry cakes of cow-dung.

I - 46 Kashtha .. .. .. A measure of time ; 4 4/6 seconds.

Kapha .........See Vol. I. P. 121 ; Intro. P. XLI.

I - 202 Katvara.........Curd mixed with oil.

Khatta .. ......Bandage. See Vol. I. Ch. 18.

I - 540 Khada Khala .. A kind of soup.

,, Khada-Yavagu......A kind of soup.

,, Khada-yusha......, A kind of soup.

I - 439 Kilata .. .. .. Condensed milk.

Kos'a .. .. .. Bandage. See Vol 1. Ch. 18.

I - 530 Krisara .. .. .. A kind of food prepared by cooking rice and pulse together. See Vol. I. P. 178. Krita-yusha .. .. A seasoned soup.

Krishna .. .. .. An incarnation of Vishnu.

III - 146 Krittikas .. ......One of the constellations of the Hindu astronomy. The supposed nurse-mother of Kumara. Kshatriya .. .. The second of the four original castes of the Hindus. The warrior and ruling caste of the Hindus.

Kshiti .. ......Earth or solid See Vol. I. P. 375 ;

Vol. II. P. 121.

I - 442 Kshira-Ghrita Kshira-Sarpih Clarified butter churned out of milk itself without turning it into curd.

Kudava . ......A measure of weight equal to half a Seer.

Kulmasha .... A preparation of food from Masha pulse. Half-boiled Chanaka or gram. I - 546.

Kumara ......The name of Skanda, originally the chief of Grahas, afterwards the god of war - Vol. iii. Ch. 37. I - 443 Kumbha-Ghrita .. Clarified butter one hundred and ten years old. According to Charaka one hundred years old. I - 439 Kurchika ......Coagulated or inspissated milk.

Kuvera.........The god of riches and treasure, son Visrava ; Croesus.

Kas'i .. .. .. The seat of ancient Hindu surgery.

It was here that the holy Dhan-vantari gave lessons on Ayurveda to Susr'uta and others. The greatest place of Hindu pilgrimage. The modern Benares.

Kavalika ......Plug. Medicated tow. Vol. I. Ch. 18.


Lekhana ......Liquefacation as opposite to Vringhana; attenuated; Scarification. Loha .. .. .. The seven principal metals; also it means iron. Lunchaka .. .. One who plucks or tears off.


I - 456 Madhu-S'arkara .. Sugar prepared from concentrated honey. I - 544 Madhu-Mastaka .. A kind of confection having for lits ingredients powdered rice, barley, Ghrita and honey.

Magha.........One of the constellations of Hindu Astronomy : the Hones.

Magnet ......Vol. I. 256.

Maha-agada ......The name of an antitoxic preparation.

See Kalpa-sthana Ch. 5. 21 Sloka.

Maha-vyadhi ......See Vol. I. V. 287, 297.

Mahendra ......One of the seven principal chains of mountains in India. I - 443 Maha-ghrita .. .. Older even than Kumbha-ghrita.

Mala .........See Vol. I. P. 119; also Intro. P. LII.

I - 425 Malaya.........One of the seven principal chains of mountains in India. It is said to be teeming with sandal trees.


I - 42 Manu .. .. .. The progenitor of the human race.

Author of "Manu-Samhita."

Mandala ......A kind of circular bandage. See Vol. I P. 167. I - 439 Manda .. .. .. The residuary sediment of a compound made of Kurchika and Dadhi. I - 533 Manda .. .. .. Rice, Barley etc. boiled in water weighing fourteen times of rice and strained through a piece of linen.

Mantha.........See Vol. I. 542.

Maruti .. .. .. Air or Ether. The wind-god. See Vol. I. P. 375.

I - 425 Maru-des'a ......Lit. - a desert-land : the name of a country.

Mastu .........The upper part of a thickened sour milk ; the watery part of curd, whey etc. Masha .. .. .. A weight equal to twenty grains.

Masi .. .. .. A lamp-black ; anything burnt in a covered pitcher or vessel. Mastulunga .. .. Brain materials.

Mastishkya ......Any medicine or substance acting on the brain.

Matra .........A dose.

Mercury.........Vol. II. 508 and 698.

Morata.........See note Vol. I. P. 439.

I - 544 Modakas ......Sweets.

Muhurta ......A measure of time i.e. twenty Kalas make one Muhurta, i.e. equal to forty-eight minutes. I - 544 Mudga-vesavara .. Vesavara prepared with the addition of Mudga pulse - see Vesavara. III - III Mukhamandika graha .. An evil goddess often doing harm to children.

Mula..........One of the constellations of Hindu astronomy. Mushti.........A measure equal to eight Tolas.


II - 140 Nadi .........Umbelical chord. Senus.

Naga .........The celestial serpent.

II - 236 Nagodara ......False pregnancy. See Vol. II. P. 236.

II - 236 Naigamesha III - in Naigamesha Graha An evil god often doing harm to children.

I - 42 Narada.........The name of a divine sage.

Nasya .........Snuff, errhine; anything taken through the nostrills. See Vol. II. P. 659.

I - 439 Navanita ......Butter.

I - 42 Nimesha ......Time taken in closing the eyelids.

Niyama.........Certain minor duties to be observed by every man.

Niiudha-Vasti ......Same as Asthapana. See Vol. II.

P. 627.