† According To Dallana, The Recipe Of This Ghrita Is As Follows

One Prastha each of clarified butter, curd and milk, two Palas each of Karanja, etc., and sixteen seers of water to be boiled down to four seers, the drugs of the Kalka weighing one seer in all.

Vrihati, Ams'umati and Sthirá (Kákoli), and with Trivrit, Tila, Amritá(Gulancha), Chakra.Sarpa-gandhá, (black) earth * (of an ant-hill) and the barks of Kapittha and Dádima as Kalka. The whole should be duly cooked over a gentle fire. The Ghrita thus prepared would destroy the poison of the five kinds of rats viz., Aruna, etc. As an alternative, clarified butter duly cooked with the expressed juice of Kákádani and Káka-máchi should be given to the patient in such cases. A wise physician shall have recourse to bleeding or venesection in these cases and the system of the patient should be cleansed by purgatives and emetics. 3.

General Treatment

The general measures to be adopted in the case of a bite by a rat of whatsoever class are as follows: - The seat of the bite should be first cauterized (with boiling clarified butter), and blood-letting should be resorted to (by opening the veins of the patient). The seat of the bite should then be marked with superficial incisions and a plaster of S'irisha, Rajani, Kushtha, Kumkuma and Amrita (Gula-ncha) should be applied. The patient should be made to vomit with the decoction of Jálini or with that of S'ukákhyá and Amkotha boiled together. The (powdered) roots of S'ukákhya, Kos'ávati, Madana fruits and Deva-dáli fruits should be administered with curd for the elimination by vomiting the (internal) poison (if any). The patient should be made to take (with curd) the compound consisting of Phala (Madana), Vacha, Deva-ddli and Kushtha pasted with the urine of a cow (as an emetic). This remedy neutralises the effects of the poison of all species of venomous rats. 4.-A.

A compound composed of Trivrit, Danti and Tri-

* In place of8224 According To Dallana The Recipe Of This Ghrit 200216 " some readswhile Jejjata reads 'phalá should (if necessary) be employed as a purgative (in such a case). A compound prepared with the pith of S'irisha and the pulp of its fruits should be used (if necessary) as an errhine (S'iro-virechana). The watery secretion of fresh cow-dung mixed with a profuse quantity of (powdered) Tri-katu should be used as collyrium. The patient should be made to lick a compound prepared with the expressed juice of the fruits of Kapittha and with honey and the serous secretion of (fresh) cow-dung, or a lambative made of Rasánjana, Haridrá, Indra-yava, Katuki and Ati-vishá with honey should be given to the patient in the morning. A potion of medicated clarified butter duly cooked with the roots of Tanduliyaka should be given to the patient for drink. As an alternative, clarified butter, duly cooked with the five parts (viz., roots, bark, fruits, leaves and flowers) of a Kapittha tree or with the roots of Ashphotá, should be prescribed. 4

The poison of a venomous Mushika (rat or mole) even though (apparently) eliminated from the system may sometimes still be aggravated in cloudy days or in foul weather. In such a case, all the above measures as well as the remedies laid down under the treatment of Dushi-visha should be resorted to. The round protruding edges (Karniká) of an ulcer, incidental to a rat-bite, whether benumbed or painful, should be excised (D.R. - made to suppurate) and should be treated with purifying or cleasing remedies according to the deranged Dosha or Doshas involved in each case. 5-6.