Six Yogas For Pittaja-Atisara

Any one of the six decoctions respectively prepared with Musta, Kutaj'a-seeds (Indra-yava.J, Bhu-nimba and Rasanjana; or with Darvi, Duralabha, Vilva and red Chandana; or with Chandana, Valaka, Musta, Bhu-nimba, Duralava; or with Mrinala, Chandana, Rodhra, Nagara and Nilotpala; or with Patha, Musta, the two kinds of Haridra, Pippali and Kutaja-seeds; or with the seeds and barks of Vatsaka, S'ringavera and Vacha mixed with clarified butter should be regarded as good remedies for the Pittaja type of Atisara. 30.

A case of Pittaja-Atisara in its acute (Ama) stage would yield to the use of a decoction of (unripe) Vilva, lndra-yava, Ambhoda (Musta), Valaka and Ativisha. A decoction of Yashti-madhu, Utpala, Vilva, Amra, Hrivera, Us'ira and Nagara mixed with honey proves curative in the case under discussion. 31 - 32.

Astringent or constipating (Samstambhana) remedies should be employed in a case of the chronic (Pakva) Atisara marked by dullness of the Grahani, viz, the digestive fire and by constant motions. Any of the four following medicinal compounds, viz., Samangd, Dhataki-flower, Manjistha, Lodhra and Musta; or of S'almali-veshtaka, Rodhra and the bark of Vrikshaka (Kutaja) and of Dadima; or of the stone of Amra, Lodhra, the inner pulp of (unripe) Vilva and Priyangu; or of Yashti-madhu, S'ringavera and the bark of Dirgha-vrinta (Syonaka) should be taken with honey and the washings of rice in cases of chronic (Pakva) Atisara. 33 - 34.

The decoction of Musta alone should be taken with honey in the case under discussion, or a decoction of any of the nine Ganas, viz., the Lodhradi, Amboshthadi, or Priyangvadi groups, etc. (sec Chapter XXXVIII (General Classification Of Drugs According To Their Therapeutical Properties (Dravya-Sangra-Haniya-Madhyayam)), Sutra-Sthana) should be employed. Similarly, the decoction of Padma, Samanga, Yashti-madhu and dried Vilva and Jambu fruits should be taken with the washings of rice mixed with honey. A paste of the root of Kachchhura weighing an Udumvara (two Tolas) should be similarly taken with the same vehicles). A case of Pakvatisara marked by bloody stool or by emission of blood (from the intestines) would yield to the use of the decoction of Payasya, Chandana, Padma (Bhargi), Sita (sugar), Musta and the polens of lotus. 35 - 38.

Application Of Ghrita

Clarified butter with Yava-kshara should be given to a patient with due regard to the state of his digestive power if, after being treated with fasting, etc., he be still found to be affected with Sula and dryness and if the stool would be found to be free from mucus i.e., in a case of Pakvatisara. The colic (in a case of Atisara) is relieved by taking (a potion of clarified butter duly cooked with) Vald, Vrihati, Ams'u-mati and Kachchhura-roots mixed with a little honey and Yashti-madhu (as an after-throw). Clarified butter duly cooked with Darvi, Vilva, Kana (P'ippali), Draksha, Katuka and Indra-yava would prove curative in a case of Atisara due to the action of the Vata, Pitta and Kapha (jointly or separately). A draught of milk, honey and clarified butter (in equal parts) mixed with sugar, Ajamoda, Katvanga and Yashti-mahui (as an after-throw) would relieve the griping (Sula) in the intestines (in a case of Atisara). 39 - 42.