This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Diseases peculiar to the joining (Sandhi) of the eye are nine in number and are named Puyálasa, Upanáha, (the four kinds of) Sráva (viz. Puya-srava, Śleshma-sráva, Rakta-srava, Pitta-sráva), Parvani, Alaji and Krimi-granthi. 2.
A suppurated swelling occurring at any of these joining and exuding a sort of fetid and dense * pus is called Puyálasa. A painless cyst (Granthi) of considerable size occurring at the union of the pupil (with the Krishna-mandala) and attended with an itching sensation and a little suppuration is called Upangha. 3. A.
The ( deranged ) Doshas † of the locality passing through the lachrymal ducts into the binding tissues of the four different Sandhis (joinings) set up a painless ‡ secretion (Sráva) from the localities characterised by the specific symptoms of the different Doshas involved. These are known as Srávas, which according to some, arc also called Netra-nadi and are classified into four different groups, the different symptoms of which will be described presently. A suppuration (D. R. swelling) in any of the unions (Sandhi) of the eye marked by a discharge of pus is called Puya'-sra'va. This is due to the concerted action of the Doshas (Kapha, Pitta and blood). The secretion of slimy, white and thick muco-purulent discharges marked by the absence of pain * is called Sleshma'-sra'va. The flow of thin, warm † and blood-streaked copious discharge due to a contaminated state of the local blood is called Rakta'-sraVa. A warm, water-like and yellowish blue (D. R. reddish yellow) discharge from the middle part of the union (owing to the deranged condition of the Pitta) is called Pitta'-sra'va. 3.
* According to Mádhava's reading, the swelling should be painful
There is no mention whether the pus should be dense
or otherwise.
† The term "Dosha" here means S'leshmá, Pitta, Rakta (blood) and the concerted action of the above three Doshas. It should be noted that Vayu is excluded from the list as it does not produce any secretion.
‡ Madhava does not mention this (painlessness) to be a symptom.
A small, round and copper-coloured swelling occurring at the join-ing of the Krishna-mandala and Śukla-mandala, due to the vitiated state of the local blood and attended with a burning sensation and aching pain, is called Parvani. A swelling possessed of the preceding features and occurring at the very same joining is called Alaji (Keratitis) . A cyst or swelling (Granthi) characterised by an itching sensation appearing on the joining of the eye-lids and eye-lashes owing to the germination of parasites (Krimi) in those localities, is called Krimi-granthi. Parasites of different forms in such a case are found to infest the regions where the inner lining of the Vartmamandala (eye-lid) is connected with the Sukla-mandala (Sclerotic coat) of the eye and to invade and vitiate the substance of the eye-ball. 4 - 5.
* According to Madhava's reading, the absence of pain is not a necessary concomitant in this case.
† According to Madhava's reading thinness and warmness are not essential.
‡ The difference between a case of Parvani and that of Alaji is that the swelling in a case of Parvani is smaller, and that in the Alaji is larger.
Thus ends the second chapter of the Uttara-Tantra in the Sus'ruta Samhitâ which deals with the pathology of the diseases peculiar to the Sandhi (unions) of the eye.
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