A man is incapable of begetting children, whose seminal fluid, affected by the aggravated Váyu, Pittam or Kapham, emits a cadaverous smell, or has acquired a dotted or shreddy character or which looks like putrid pus, or has become thin, or smells like urine or stool. 2.

Deranged Semen

Semen vitiated by the deranged Váyu acquires a (reddish-black) colour and gives rise to a pain (piercing and cutting etc.) which characterises the Váyu (at the time of being emitted). Similarly semen deranged by the Pittam gets a (yellowish or bluish etc.) colour and produces the specific pain (burning and sucking etc.) of the deranged Pittam (at the time of emission). Semen vitiated by the action of the deranged Kapham has a (white) colour and produces the pain (itching sensation etc.) peculiar to the deranged Kapham (at the time of its outflow). The semen vitiated by blood is tinged with a bloody hue, produces all kinds of pain peculiar to the deranged Sonita (Pittam). The semen smells like a putrid corpse and is emitted in large quantities. The shreddy or clotted character of the fluid (Grauthila) should be ascribed to the action of the deranged Váyu and Kapham. If vitiated by the action of the deranged Pittam and Kapham it looks like putrid pus (Puti-puya). Thin semen is caused by the deranged Váyu and Pittam as described before. A concerted action of the deranged Váyu, Pittam, and Kapham causes the semen to smell like urine or fecal matter. Of these, the cadaverously smelling, shreddy and clotted, putrid puslike and thinned semen can be remedied and corrected only with the greatest difficulty; while the one, having the smell of stool or urine, should be regarded as beyond cure. The remaining kinds are curable. 3.

Deranged Artavam

The catamenial fluid (Artavam) of a woman vitiated by the deranged Váyu, Pittam, Kapham, or blood, either severally or in combination of two or more Doshas should be likewise considered as unfit for the purpose of fecundation. Vitiated catamenial fluid exhibits the characteristic colour and pain of the deranged Doshas or blood (underlying at its roots). Of the several kinds (of vitiated catamenial fluids) those which smell like a putrid corpse or fetid pus, or which is clotted, or is thin, or emits the smell of urine or fecal matter, should be deemed as being beyond remedy, the rest being amenable. 4.

Memorable Verses

The first three types of seminal derangements or defects should be corrected by an intelligent physican with an application of medicated oil etc. (Sneha-karma), diaphoric measures etc. * or uretheral injections (Uttara-vasti). A medicated Ghrita prepared with a (decoction and Kalka of) Dhátaki flowers, Khadira, Ddiima and Arjuna barks should be given to drink to a man whose semen emits a cadaverous smell (Kunapa). As an alternative, a medicated Ghrita prepared with (a decoction and levigated paste or Kalka of) the drugs forming the S'álasárádi group should be given to him. In a case of clotted and shreddy semen (Granthi), the patient should be made to drink a medicated Ghrita prepared with a (decoction and Kalka of) S'athi, or with an alcaline solution prepared from the ashes of the burnt Palás'ha wood, In the case of a pus like appearance of the fluid the patient should be treated with the medicated Ghrita prepared with (a decoction and Kalka of) the drugs included within the groups of Parushakádi and Vatádi (Nyágrodhádi) Ganas. In a case of thin semen, measures laid down under the same head before, as well as those to be hereafter described should be resorted to. Similarly a medicated Ghrita, prepared with (a decoction and Kalka of; Chitrakk roots. Ushira roots and Hingu, should be drunk in a case of the semen smelling like urine or fecal matter. In all cases of seminal disorders as well as in menstrual anomalies, Uttara-Vssti (uretheral or vaginal injection) should be made after having recourse to the application of medicated oil etc. (Sneha-karma, purgatives, emetics, Asthápana and Anuvásana measures. 5 - 12

* The word " Adi " in the text includes emetics, purgatives, Anuvá-sanam and Asthápanam measures according to their specific Doshas.