This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
It has been stated before, that a hundred and twenty chapters have been distributed among the five parts or subdivisions (of the present work in the following order: - Forty six in the part of Definitive Aphorisms (Sutra-Sthanam); sixteen in the part dealing with the Etiology of diseases (Nidanam); ten in the part explaining the Anatomy and physiology of the human body (Sharira Sthanam); forty in the part of Therapeutics Chikitsitam; and eight in the part dealing with poisons and their antidotes (Kalpa-Sthanam). In addition to these the Uttara-Tantram consists of sixty-six chapters.
The Sutra-Sthanam which contains forty-six chapters, is so called because it discusses in the form of hints, arranges in the form of aphorisms and connects by links topics relating to longevity. Chapter I (Medical Treatment Of The Two Kinds Of Inflamed Ulcers (Dvivraniya Chikitsitam)) Describes the origin of the science of the Ayurveda. 2 Relates to the formal initiation of a pupil into the science of medicine. 3 Deals with the classification and order of the study of the Ayurveda. 4 Dwells on general interpretations and explanations of subjects studied 5 Treats of preliminary preparations for surgical operations. 6 Deals with seasons and their influence on health and drugs. 7 Treats of surgical appliances. 8 Describes surgical instruments. 9 Gives practical instructions for surgical operations. 10 Dwells on the duties of medical men preliminary to their commencing practice. 11 Pharmacy of alkalies (potential cauteries). 12 Cauteries and the rules to be observed in their use. 13 Leeches how and which to use). 14 Blood. 15 Dwells on the study of development and non-development of the humorous constituents of the body and excrements.
16 The ceremony of piercing the lobules of the ears.
17 How to distinguish between suppurating and non-suppurating swellings. 18 Dressings and bandages of ulcers. 19 The management of patients with ulcers, etc. 20 The salutary and non-salutary effects of regimen, etc. 21 The decisive modes in the treatment of sores, etc. 22 The opening of abscesses, etc. 23 General rules to be observed in the treatment of curable and incurable (surgical diseases). 24 The nature of diseases in general. 25 The (eight different) ways of using surgical instruments. 26 The exploration of splinters lost (deep seated) in the body. 27 The extraction of splinters. 28 How to know favourable and unfavourable terminations in surgical diseases. 29 The favourable or unfavourable prognosis in diseases as known from messengers, omens and dreams. 30 Prognosis from the perversion of sense perception. 31 Prognosis based on the altered condition of features, etc. 32 Prognosis based on the perversion in the external appearances of the body. 33 Palliative treatment of incurable diseases. 34 The precautions to be taken (against dangers, such as poisoning of water, etc. by a medical man for the safety of a king whose army is on the march. 35 Clinical observations made by physicians. 36 Miscellaneous subjects connected with the treatment of injuries and surgical diseases. 37 The examination of the soil for the selection of vegetable products growing on it to be used as medicines. 38 Classification of drugs according to their therapeutical uses.; 39 The two classes of drugs which cleanse the system [by evacuating bad humours] and drugs which pacify the irritated humours.
40 Drugs, their flavours, properties and maturity.
41 The properties of drugs specially considered.
42 Flavours. 43 The choice of emetics. 44 The choice of purgatives. 45 Liquids. 46 Food and drink.
From their investigating the (pathological) causes and symptoms of diseases, they are called Nidanam, (etiology) and are sixteen in number.
Chapter I (Medical Treatment Of The Two Kinds Of Inflamed Ulcers (Dvivraniya Chikitsitam)) Causes and symptoms of diseases caused by wind. 2 Hoemorrhoids. 3 Urinary calculi 4 Fistulae. 5 Skin diseases Kushtha). 6 Urethral discharges. - Abdominal tumours and dropsy. 8 Abortion and unnatural labours. 9 Abscesses. 10 Erysipelas and Carbuncles. 11 Tumours 12 Scrotal tumours. 13 Fractures and dislocations) 14 Diseases of the male organ of generation caused by Shuka. 15 Minor and miscellaneous diseases, 16 Diseases of the mouth.
The great sage has devoted ten chapters to the subject of Anatomy and Physiology (Sharira-Sthanam) for medical men and contemplative saints to learn the component parts of the human body. They are: -
Chapter 1 Cosmology. 2 Healthy and unhealthy) condition of male and female germs. 3 Development of the foetus. 4 Analytical description of the foetus. 5 Component parts of the body. 6 Investigation of each vital part. 7 Description of the veins. 8 Venesection. 9 Arteries. 10 Pregnancy (child-birth and management of women in child-birth and of children).
The division of Therapeutics, (Chikitsitam) includes (amongst others) the modes of treating diseases by medicines, expiatory ceremonies, propitiatory rites, and tranquillizing efforts. Forty chapters have been devoted to this division. Chapter 1 Treatment of two varieties of ulcers. 2 Treatment of instant wounds and ulcers resulting therefrom. 3 Fractures and dislocations. 4 Diseases of wind. 5 Grievous maladies caused by wind. 6 Haemorrhoids. 7 Urinary calculi. 8 Fistulae. 9 Skin diseases. 10 Grievous skin diseases. 11 Urethral discharges. 12 Warts, pustules and sores caused by urethral discharges, 13 Diabetes. 14 Abdominal Dropsy. 15 Abortions and unnatural labours. 16 Abscesses. 17 Erysipelas and Carbuncles. 18 Tumours. 19 Scrotal tumours and Syphilis. 20 Minor diseases. 21 Diseases of the male genital organ caused by Shuka. 22 Diseases of the mouth. 23 Swellings. 24 Prophylactic treatment against diseases in general. 25 Miscellaneous diseases. 26 Tonics for virile debility. 27 Tonics for general debility. 2S Remedies for increasing mental powers and duration of life. 29 Remedies for innate maladies. 30 Means for removing wordly distresses. 31 Treatment of diseases where oleaginous substances are useful. 32 Treatment by diaphoretics. 33 Emetics and Purgatives. 34 Treatment for mishaps from the injudicious use of emetics and purgatives. 35 Nozzles and pipes, and enema apparatus. 36 Mishaps from injudicious use of enemas. 37 Enemas and injections. 38 Clysters. 39 Treatment of complications in general. 40 Inhalation, fumigations, gargarismata, etc.
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