This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
The blessed Dhanvantari, the honoured of the gods, who for the promulgation of the knowledge of the Ayurveda and for administering proper medicines (to the sick), took his birth at Kási, (Benares) as a king, thus fully discoursed on the symptoms of Vidradhi (abscess etc.) to his disciple, Sus'ruta. 2.
The extremely deranged and aggravated Vŕyu. Pittam and Kapham, resorting to the bone and vitiating the Tvaka ( skin ). blood, flesh, and fat of a person (with their own specific properties), gradually give rise to a deep-seated, painful, round or extended swelling which is called Vidradhi by the wise. The disease admits of being divided into six types such as the Vŕtaja type, the Pittaja type, the Kaphaja type, the Sŕnnipŕtika type, the Kshataja type (traumatic), and the Asrija (which has its seat in the vitiated blood). Now we shall describe their specific symptoms. 3-4.
This abscess assumes a black Or vermilion colour, is felt rough to the touch and is characterised by a sort of excruciating pain. The growth and suppuration of the abscess arc brought about in a variety of forms (owing to the variable and irregular action of the deranged Váyu inolved in these cases). 5.
This abscess assumes a blackish yellow colour or one like that of a ripe Audum-vara fruit. It is attended with fever and a burning sensation, and is of rapid growth and suppuration. 6.
This abscess is shaped like an Indian saucer (s'aráva) and seems cold to the touch. It assumes a light yellow colour and is characterised by numbness, itching and little pain. The growth and suppuration of this abscess is very slow. The secretions from a Vátaja abscess are thin, those from a Pittaja type are yellow, while the exudations from a Kaphaja abscess are white. 7.
An abscess of the Sánnipátika type is of varied colour, and is attended with a varied sort of pain (sucking, drawing, turning etc.) and exudes secretions of various colours (white, yellow, etc.)- It is little raised or elevated at its top, large and irregular in its shape and does not uniformly suppurate in all its parts. 8,
The local or inherent heat of an ulcer, (caused by a blow or a dirt) in a person, addicted to unwholesome regimen, is augmented and conducted by the deranged Váyu and vitiates the blood and Pittam, thus giving rise to a kind of abscess which is known as the Agantuja Vidradhi (traumatic abscess). Symptoms of the Pittaja type likewise mark this type of abscess and fever, thirst and a burning sensation attend it from the very beginning. 9.
This abscess assumes a black or tawny colour, covered with a large number of black vesicles, and fever and an intolerable burning and pain attended with all the symptoms peculiar to the Pittaja type, mark the present form of the disease. It is called Raktaja Vidradhi. Of external Vidradhis or abscesses, those of the Sánnipátika type should be regarded as incurable. 10 - 11.
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