This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Aetiology : - The derangement of the Doshas either several or combined or an apathetic state of the mind (through grief, etc.) tends to block the food-carrying channels vis., the esophagus, etc., as well as the region of the heart causing aversion to all sorts of food, which is designated Bhaktopaghata (lit. aversion to food - popularly known as Arochaka) by the physicians and it is divided into five distinct types (according to the different nature of its exciting factor). 2.
Pain and cramps at the heart and a vapid taste in the mouth are the symptoms which mark the Va'taja type of Arochaka. Excessive burning sensation (in the region) of the heart, sucking pain (in the locality), a bitter taste in the mouth, thirst and fainting fits are the features which mark the Pittaja type of the disease. Itching sensation, heaviness of the body, water-brash, lassitude, drowsiness and a sweet taste in the mouth are the indications which characterise the Kaphaja type. The Tri-doshaja type is characterised by a good many symptoms which severally mark the three Doshas. Indulgence in sensual pleasure, as well as in fear and grief, or the sight of any repugnant article, or of anything that tends to disturb the mental' Manasa) equilibrium, may also usher in an attack of Arochaka. 3-7.
In a case of the Va'taja type, the patient should be first made to vomit with the help of decoction of Vacha and then be given a pulverised compound of Krishna, Vidanga, Yava-Kshara, Harenu, Bhargi, Rasna, Ela*, Hingu, Saindhava and Nagara through the medium of any Sneha or wine or hot water. Vomiting should be induced with emetics sweetened † with the solution of treacle in the Pittaja type of the disease. The use of a lambative prepared with Saindhava, Sita (sugar), honey and clarified butter would also be efficacious. In the Kaphaja type, vomiting should be induced with the decoction of Nimba and the powders of Yamani should then (after the taking of the meal) be administered with the decoction of Aragvadha mixed with honey. The pulverised compound mentioned in connection with the treatment of the Vataja type may also be administered (in this case). All the preceding measures should be employed in the Tri-doshaja type of Arochaka. 8 - 11.
(i)Draksha, Patola, Vit-salt, Vetra, Karira (bamboo-sprouts), Nimba, Murva, Abhaya, Aksha, Vadara, Amalaka, (barks of) Kutaja and seeds of Karanja and of Aragvadha should be (powdered and) duly cooked with the urine of a cow in the form of a lambative. (2) A similar preparation should be made of Musta, Vacha, Tri-katu, the two kinds of Rajani, Bhargi, Kushtha and Nirdahani‡; and cooked with the urine of a ewe. (3) Similarly Patha, Vamsa-lochana, Ativisha and Rajani should be boiled together with the urine of a she-elephant. (4) Manduki, Arka, Amrita and Langala should be similarly boiled by an experienced and practical physician with the urine of a she-buffalo. Whoever licks up any * of the four preceding lambatives gets rid of Gulma, aversion to food, asthma and diseases affecting the heart and the larynx. 12.
* Ela - Dallana says that some take Ela in the sense of Ela-valuka (a part used for the whole). S'ivadasa, however, refutes this and asserts, on the authority of Vagbhata, that "Ela" should mean Ela.
† According to some, the emetic used should be Madana fruit ; while, according to others, it should be the drugs of the Madhura (Kakolyadi) group - the word 'Madhura' indicating the same. Some, however, read 'Madhuka' (Yashti-madhu) for 'Madhura'.
‡ Nirdahani, according to some, means Chitraka, but, according to others, it means Yamani. The former sense is the most general one.
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