This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Several authorities group the disease Váta-Rakta under two different sub-heads, such as superficial and deep-seated. But such a classification is arbitrary and unscientific, inasmuch as this disease first manifests itself on the surface (layer of the skin) like Kushtha and gradually invades the deeper tissues of the body. Hence there are no (two) forms of this disease. 1-2.
The Váyu of the body is enraged or agitated by such causes as wrestling with a man of superior and uncommon physical strength, etc., while the blood is vitiated by such causes as constant over-eating of edibles which are of difficult digestion and heat-making in their potency or ingestion of food before the digestion of the previous meal. The Váyu thus enraged and agitated enters into the blood-carrying channels of the body and being obstructed in its passage, becomes mixed with the vitiated blood. The deranged Váyu and the blood thus combine to give rise to a disease characterised by the specific symptoms of each, which is known as Váta-Rakta. The characteristic pain, which at first confines itself to the extremities, gradually extends over the whole body.
The disease is ushered in with a pricking pain, a burning and an itching sensation (in the affected part), a swelling, roughness and numbness (anaesthesia) of the diseased locality, throbbing of the veins, ligaments, nerves and arteries, a weakness in the thighs and sudden appearance of red or brownish circular patches on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, fingers and heels, etc., (A. R. - wrists). If neglected and immoderately treated in its premonitory stages, the disease soon develops its characteristic symptoms in succession, which have been described before; whereas (a lifelong) deformity (of the affected part) is the penalty for neglecting it (in its fully patent or devoloped stage). 3.
Men of a mild and delicate constitution, as well as those who are (inordinately) stout or sedentary in their habits or are addicted to unwholesome and incompatible food, etc., are generally found to be susceptible to an attack of Váta-Rakta. 4.
Prognosis: - A physician is advised to take in hand the medical treatment of a Váta-Rakta-patient who has as yet not lost much strength and muscle, nor is afflicted with thirst, fever, epileptic fits, dyspnoea, cough, numbness (of the affected part), aversion to food, indigestion, extension and contraction of the limb, as well as of a person who is strong and temperate in his living and can afford to pay for the diet and other necessary accessories of the treatement. 5.
Preliminary remedial measures s - In the first stage of the disease the blood, having become vitiated owing to its being obstructed in its course (by the unusually agitated Váyu in the system), should be gradually and not profusely bled, except when the body would be found to have become extremely dry or to have lost its natural healthful glow or complexion through the action of the aggravated morbific principle (Váyu), for fear of further aggravating the Váyu. Emetics, purgatives, and Vasti (enemas), etc., should be administered and the patient should be made to take a diet consisting of old and matured clarified butter (and boiled rice), in the case where the aggravated condition of the deranged Váyu would be found to predominate. As an alternative, he should be made to drink a potion consisting of goat's milk mixed with half its quantity of oil, with two Tola weight of Yashti-madhu or goat's milk cooked with Pris'niparni (two Tola weight) with honey and sugar (added after cooking), or cooked with S'unthi, S'ringá-taka, and Kas'eruka, or cooked with S'j'ámá, Rásná, Sushavi. Pris'niparni, Pilu, S'atávari, S'vadamshtrá and Das'a-mula. 6.
Oil. cooked with the addition of milk previously boiled with the decoction of Das'a-mula of eight times its own weight and a Kalka of Madhuka, Mesha-s'ringi (A. R. Sárngashtá), S'vadamshtrá, Sarala, Bhadra-dáru, Vachá and Surabhi pasted together, should be administered in drinks, etc. (viz , anointment, sprinkling, etc.) As an alternative, the oil cooked with the decoction of S'atávari, Mayuraka, Madhuka, Kshira-Vidári, Valá, Ativalá and Trina-pancha-mula, with the paste of the drugs belonging to the Kákolyádi group, or the oil * cooked with the decoction and a Kalka of Valá for a hundred times should be prescribed for the patient. The affected part should be washed with the milk, boiled with the roots of the Váta-hara (Váyu-subduing) drugs (i.e., Das'a-mula), or simply with Amla (gruel, etc.), or a plaster composed of barley, Madhuka, Eranda (castor) and Varshábhu (pasted together and heated), should be applied to the part. 7.
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