This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
It may be prognosticated that an idle man, who indulges in day sleep, or follows sedentary pursuits or is in the habit of taking sweet liquids, or cold and fat-making or emollient food, will ere long fall an easy victim to this disease. 2.
Pathology: - The bodily principles of Váyu, Pittam and Kaphah of such a person get mixed with improperly formed chyle of the organism. Thus deranged, they carry down through the urinary ducts the deranged fat, etc. * of the body and find lodgment at the mouth (neck) of the bladder, whence the) are emitted through the urethra †, causing diseases, known by the (generic) name of Prainelia. 3
A burning sensation in the palms of the hands and of the soles of the feet, a heaviness of the body, coldness or sliminess of the skin and limbs, sweetness and whiteness of the urine, somnolence, lassitude, thirst, a bad-smelling breath, a shortness of breath, slimy mucous deposit on the tongue, palate, pharyx and teeth, clotted hair and an inordinate growth of the finger and toe nails are the indications which mark the advent of the disease. 4.
A copious flow of cloudy or turbid urine characterises all the types of the disease, which, together with the abscesses and eruptions (Pidaká) which mark its sequel, should be regarded as involving the concerted action of the deranged Doshas (Váyu, Pittam and Kaphah). 5.
* The particle "cha" in the text denotes other virus or morbific matter. Dallana.
† Remain incarcerated therein according to others.
Cases of Prameha, which are caused by an exuberance of the deranged Kapham, may be grouped under ten subheads such as, Udaka-meha, Ikshu-meha, Surá-meha, Sikatá-meha, S'a-nai-meha, Lavana-meha, Pishta-meha, Sándra-meha, S'uk-ra-meha and Phena-meha. The ten aforesaid types are curable, inasmuch as the medicines which tend to remedy the deranged Kapham (Dosha), the cause of the disease, prove also remedial to the other principles of the body (flesh, marrow, blood, semen etc) deranged (Dushya) from the same causes. 6.
The types, which are brought about through an exuberance of the deranged Pittam, are named as Nila-meha, Haridrá-meha, Amla-tneha, Kshárá-meha, Manjishthá-meha, and S'onita-meha. Palliation is all that can be effected in these types, inasmuch as the medicines which tend to correct the deranged Pittam, which has brought on the disease, fail to exert similar virtues on the organic principles (Dushyas) deranged by it. 7.
The types of Prameha which are produced by an aggravated condition of the bodily Váyu are divided into four subgroups, such as Sarpi-meJia, Vasá-meha, Kshoudra-meha and Hasti-meha. These should be regarded as most incurable inasmuch as no kind of medicine can restore the fleet-coursing, deep diving (ie. invading the bones and the marrow) Váyu, which at the same time also augments the Pittam, to its normal state and thus advances (unchecked) in its work of disintegration. 8.
The deranged Kaphah, in conjunction with the (morbid) Pittam, Váyu and fat, gives rise to all Kaphaja types of Prameha. The deranged Pittam, in conjunction with the deranged Váyu, blood, fat and Kapham, produces the Pittaja ones; while the deranged Váyu, in unison with the deranged Kapham, Pittam, fat, marrow and Vasa (myosin), engenders the types of Vataja Prameha. 9.
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