Names And Causes

The four types of Abhishyandha (Ophthalmatis), the four types of Adhi-mantha, the two forms of Akshi-páka (suppuration of the eye) attended with or without swelling, these ten, as well as Hatádhimantha, Anila-Parjáya, Śuskákshi-páka, Anyato-váta, Amládhyushita, Drishti, Sirot-páta and Sirá-Harsha are the names of the (seventeen kinds of) diseases which affect the eye as a whole. Nearly all these forms of eye-diseases may result from the Abhishyanda (Ophthalmitis). Hence a wise physician shall try speedily to remedy a case of Abhishyanda (Ophthalmitis )as soon as it is found out. 2.

Specific Symptoms Of Abhishyanda

The symptoms which mark a case of Abhishyanda due to the action of the deranged Váyu are pricking pain (in the eyes), numbness, horripilation and irritation in the eyes, roughness and parchedness of the organ, cold lachrymations and headache. A case of Pittaja-Abhishyanda exhibits the following features, viz., burning and inflammatory suppuration of the eyes, longing for coldness (in the eyes), excessive hot lachrymations, cloudy vision and a yellowness of the eye. In the Kaphaja type of the disease, the affected organ longs for the contact of warm articles and is attended with a heaviness, itching sensation, swelling, excessive whiteness and a constant deposit and discharge of slimy mucus. The special type of this disease which has its origin in the vitiated condition of the blood, i. e. the Raktaja type is marked by redness of the eyes, flow of copper-coloured tears, as well as the symptoms of the Pittaja type of the disease and the presence of deep red stripes all along. 3-6.

Causes Of Adhimantha

All the (four) forms of chronic Abhishyanda, if not properly attended to and remedied at the outset, may run into as many cases of Adhimantha which is attended (invariably) with an excruciating pain in the eye, which seems as if being torn out, the pain extending upward to and crushing, as it were, the half the region of the head. The characteristic symptoms of the Doshas involved in each case are also seen to supervene. 7.

Symptoms Of VáTaja Adhimantha

In the Vátaja type of Adhimantha the eye becomes cloudy and seems as if being torn out and churned as with an Arani (fire-producing wooden stick) attended with an irritating, piercing and cutting pain, as well as with a swelling of the local flesh, and a half of the head (on the side of the affected eye) is afflicted with a twisting and cracking sensation as well as with local swelling, shivering and pain. 8.

Symptoms Of Pittaja Adhimantha

The symptoms which mark the Pittaja type of Adhimantha are the blood-streaked eye attended with secretion and a sensation therein of being burnt with fire, as well as swelling, perspiration and suppuration in the affected organs, yellowish vision, fainting fits and a burning sensation in the head. The eyes in this case become liver-coloured and seem as if ulcerated or rubbed with an alkali. 9.

Symptoms of Kaphaja Adhimantha:

- In the Kaphaja type of Adhimantha the eye is swollen with a slight congestion (inflammation). Discharges with a sensation of itching, coldness and heaviness in the localities set in, and there is horripilation. The eye becomes slimy with deposit of mucous matter. The sight becomes cloudy, the nostrils are dilated, the head aches and all objects seem to be full of dust. 10.

Symptoms of Raktaja Adhimantha:

- A pricking pain in and a blood-streaked secretion from the affected organ which looks (bright red) like a Bandhnjiva flower, are the symptoms which mark the type of Raktaja Adhimantha (due to the vitiated blood). The eye becomes painful and incapable of bearing the least touch or contact, and the objects of vision seem as if enveloped in flames. The extremities of the eye become red and the whole origin of the cornea (black coat of the eye) looks like an Arishta fruit submerged in blood. II.