This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
A wise physician shall pursue the same course of medical treatment in those four diseases known as Adhimantha, Abhishyanda, Sirotpáta and Sirá-harsha due to the vitiated condition of the blood. Persons suffering from any of the aforesaid four complaints should be first anointed and lubricated with old and matured clarified butter technically known as Kaumbha Ghrita *, or with a copious quantity of clarified butter. Venesection should then be resorted to. The patient, having been made thus to bleed as much as required, should be treated with clarified butter duly ccoked with Śiro-virechana drugs and mixed with sugar, as an errhine for cleansing the head. Piasters, washes, snuffs (Nasya), inhalations (Dhuma) of medicated smokes, eye-drops (Ás'chyotana), Abhyanjana †, Tarpana (soothing measures), Sneha-karma (emulsive measures) and Puta-pâka should then be prescribed according to the nature of the deranged Dosha involved in each case. 2-5.
A piaster (Pralepa) composed of Nilotpala, Us'ira, Dâru-haridrá, Kâliya, Yashti-madhu, Musta, Lodhra and Padma-Kâshtha (taken in equal parts and) mixed with Ghrita - duly washed, should be applied round the region of the affected eye. Mild fomentations (Sveda), or leeches should be applied to the region around the eye in the event of there being intolerable pain (due to any defect in bleeding) in the affected organ. Large draughts of clarified butter tend to alleviate the pain. Remedial measures and agents mentioned in connection with Pittâbhishyanda, should be as well employed. 6-7.
* Chapter XLV (Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Hemorrhage (Rakta-Pitta-Pratishedha)), Sutra-Sthána. † Dallana explains "Abhyanjana" as collyrium, but he also says that some commentators take it in its usual sense of anointment with clarified butter washed hundred .... in water, or such other Sneha.
Rain-water with powdered Kas'etu and Yashti-madhu added thereto may be squeezed with benefit through a piece of linen into the affected organ * as an Áśchyocana. Flowers of Pâtalá, Arjuna, S'riparni, Dhâtaki, Dhátri, Vilva, the two kinds of Vrihati, and of Vimbi-lota and Manjishthâ taken in equal parts and pasted together with honey or expressed juice of sugar-cane and applied to the affected organ as an Anjana (Collyrium) is said to be a curative in cases of Raktábhishyanda. 8-9.
A similar compound consisting of Chandana, Kumuda, Patra, S'ilá-jatu, Kumkuma, powders of dead iron and dead copper, Tuttha (Sulphate of copper), lead, bell-metal, Rasânjdna and the resinous exudation of a Nimba tree taken in equal parts should be pasted with honey and made into large Vartis (sticks). These are always recommended to be applied to the affected eye as an Anjana. 10.
A compound consisting of honey and clarified butter and applied as an Anjana should be regarded as a patent cure in cases of Sirotpáta eye-disease. A compound composed of Saindhava (salt), Kás'is'a (Sulphate of iron) and pasted together with breast-milk should be similarly used. The application as an Anjana of S'amkha (ccnch-shell), Manah-s'ilâ, Tuttha, Dáru-haridrá, and Saindhava pasted with honey, or of (white) Maricha pasted with the juice of S'irisha flowers, honey and wine, or of Svarna-Garika pasted with honey would be attended with beneficial results in cases of Sirotpáta. II.
* Both Dallana and S'ivadasa say that pure transparent water may be used in preparing the compound if rain-water is not available. Dallana says further that the affected eye should also be washed with the liquid compound thus prepared. S'ivadása, however, supports this latter view.
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