Of the eight different types of Udara, described before, those severally known as the Vaddha-guda and the Parisrávi should be understood as incurable, the rest being equally hard to cure. Hence the medical treatment of all cases of Udara (abdominal dropsy) should be resorted to without holding out any positive hope of recovery. The first four types of the disease (as metioned in the list of enumeration), may prove amenable to medicine; but the rest would require Surgical treatment. All the types of the disease, however, would, with the progress of time, require a surgical operation, or (attaining an incurable stage) they may have to be abondned. 2.

Diet Of Articles Forbidden

A patient, afflicted with an attack of Udara, should forego the use of heavy (indigestible), or emollient fare, of all kinds of meats and of those that produce a state of extreme dryness in the system, or produce a slimy secretion from the channels (of the Doshas and the vital principles) of the body, or give rise to a sort of digestionaiy acid reaction (acid transformation in the stomach) and refrain from bathing and using effusions. Meals consisting of well cooked S'áli rice, barley, wheat, or Nivára seeds should be the daily diet of such a patient. 3.

Treatment Of The Vátaja Type

In a case of Vátaja Udara, the body of the patient should be anointed with clarified butter cooked with the drugs of the Vidári-gandhádi group, while the one cooked with Tilvaka should be used as purgatives (Anuloma), A compound made of a copious quantity of oil of Chitrá seeds, mixed with a decoction of the drugs of the Vidári-gandhádi group, should be used as Asthápana and Anuvásana measures. The Sálvana Upanáha (poultice) should be applied to the abdomen. Milk cooked with the drugs of the Vidári-gandhádi group, or the soup of the flesh of Jángala animals should be given to the patient with his meal and the affected region should be frequently fomented. 4.

Treatment Of The Pittaja Type

In a case of Pittaja Udara, the patient should be anointed with clarified butter cooked with the drugs of the Madhura (Kákolyádi) group. Similarly, clarified butter cooked with S'yámá, Triphalá and Trivrit should be used as purgatives and the decoction of the drugs of the Nyagrodhádi group, mixed with a copious quantity of sugar, honey and clarified butter, should be used as Anuvásana and A'sthápana measures. The abdomen should be poulticed with Páyasa (porridge prepared with rice and milk) and the diet should consist of boiled rice and milk, cooked with the drugs of the Vidári-gandhádi group. 5.

Treatment Of The Kaphaja Type

In a case of Kaphaja Udara, the patient should be anointed with clarified butter, cooked with the decoction of the drugs of the Pippalyádi group. Likewise, clarified butter, cooked with the milky juice of Snuhi plants, should be used as purgatives; and the decoction of the drugs of the Mushkakádi group, with a copious quantity of Trikatu, cow's urine, Kshára (Yava-kshára) and oil, should be applied as Anuvásana and Asthápana measures. A poultice (Upanáha) prepared of S'ana seeds, Atasi seeds, Dhátaki (flower), mustard, Mulaka seeds and Kinva should be applied (hot) to the abdomen. The diet should consist of (boiled rice well-mixed with) Kulattha soup (Yusha), profusely seasoned with powdered Trikatu, or of Páyasa; and the abdomen should be frequently fomented. 6.