
The deranged and aggravated Doshas of the body of a person who is emaciated or accustomed to the use of incompatible articles of food or who has become very weak on account of a sudden suppression of his natural urgings or of any external blows or injury give rise to tainting' fits. The deranged bodily Vavu. etc. choking up the scnsc-carrying nerves of the bod}-, produces that giddy state in a patient in which the world seems to vanish from the eyes of the afflicted person and the perception of the pleasure or pain is suspended for the lime being. The patient, in consequence of this suspension of the sense-perception drops down insensib'e as a log of wood and this disease is called Murchchha or Moha (fainting). It admits of being divided into six kinds or types according as an attack is due to the action of the deranged Doshas separately or to that of blood, wine or poison, but a predominance of the deranged Pitta may be delected in all forms of the diseases clue to any cause whatever. 2.

Premonitory Symptoms

Pain or oppression of the heart, yawning, lassitude, loss of consciousness and of strength are the symptoms which usher in an attack of the disease (Murchchha) according to the nature of the deranged bodily Dosha lying at its root. 3.

The natural elements, water (Ap) and earth (Kshiti) abound with the attribute of Tamas (insensibility). A smell of blood also contains the same attribute, Tamas.

It is therefore that persons generally lose their consciousness at the smell of blood. Several authorities hold that the loss of consciousness in these instances happens in virtue of the natural properties of the thing itself, viz., blood, wine and poison which also possess these properties in a greater degree and it is therefore that an use of either of these substances suspends animation and produces Moha (fainting). 4-5.

Symptoms: - A case of Murchchha (fit of unconsciousness; due to the effects of (deranged) blood is characterised by stiffened condition of the limbs and by the fixedness of the eyes (Drishti) and by deep breathing. Delirious talks, mental aberration and the state of the patient convulsively lying flat on the earth until the wine is perfectly assimilated into the system are the symptoms of a case of Murchchha due to the effects of wine ; while shivering, drowsiness, thirst and numbness of the body) attended with the specific symptoms of poisoning form the general characterstics of the type due to the effect of poison. 6.

General Treatment

Constant sprinkling of water over the body (water-spray) plunge-bath in cold water, contact of cold gems and garlands of flowers, cold plasters and compresses, (cold) breeze and fanning, cold and perfumed drinks and cooling measures in general are efficacious in all cases of the desease under discussion. Cordials prepared with the expressed juice of Ikshu, Piyala and Draksha and with sugar or with the expressed juice of Draksha and Madhuka (Maula) or those prepared by boiling Kas marya and Kharjura or clarified butter duly cooked with the drugs of the Jivaniya group with the drugs of the Madhura group, or the essence of Jangala meat in combination with the expressed juice of pomegranate should be taken in a case of Murchchha. The diet should consist of cooked red S'ali-rice or barley grains or Satina-pulse.* 7 - 8.

Specific Treatment

A compound consisting of Naga-kes'ara, Markka, Us'ira, the kernal of Kola as well as Visa (lotus stock) and Mrinala (lotus-stem) taken in equal parts should be taken with the decoction of Satlna (D. R. - with cold water). Pippali with honey or Pathya with sugar should also be taken. The mouth and the nostrils should be pressed close during a fit and the breast-milk should be given to the patient to be drunk. 9.

Strong medicinal errhine should be administered and strong emetics should be as well employed in cases of repeated attacks of the fit. Clarified butter duly cooked and prepared with the decoction of Haritaki or with expressed juice of Amdahl should be prescribed. The decoction remedial to Pittaja-fever should be given in a cold state, mixed with Draksha, sugar, parched paddy, Nilotpala and Padma and well perfumed with any good-smelling scent. 10.

Satinyasa: - The case of a patient lying in a comatous state and incapable of being roused up or brought to under the circumstances owing to the aggravated nature of the delusion (unconsciousness) due to an extensive preponderance of the deranged bodily Dosha (involved therein) should be looked upon by an intelligent physicion as extremely hard to cure. This is said to be a case of Sannya'sa (Epilepsy?). Just as a lump of clay, when thrown into water, should be instantancously taken up before it is being finally desolved therein, so a patient lying unconscious under an attack of suspended animation (Sannyasa) should be speedily restored to consciousness with the help of medecinal remedies before the process of final dissolution (lit. - death) sets in his body, 11 - 12.

* Chakrapani and Vrinda both-read Mudga also in the list of the diet.

Treatment: - The patient should be tried to be roused up with the application of strong eye-salves (Anjana), unguents and inhalation of smoke (Dhuma) or by pricking needles into his finger-nails or by discoursing sweet words and music in his hearing or by shaking his limbs roughly or by rubbing his skin with the fruits of Atma-gupta creepers. An attack of the present disease not amenable to the above remedies but attended with, salivation, laboured breathing, retention of stool and urine and distension of the abdomen should be given up as irremediable. Strong emetics and purgatives should be exhibited after the return of consciousness and diet should consist of light articles of fare. S'ilajatu * mixed with Tri-phala, Chitraka, S'unthi, etc. should be employed in combination with sugar and continued for a month. Matured clarified butter should be used in particular. Medicinal compounds remedial to any case of fever originated by the Dosha in the case may be as well prescribed in any case of Murchchha; and a case due to the action of poisom should be remedied with the antitoxinc remedies (mentioned in the Kalpa Sthana). 13 - 14.

Thus ends the forty-sixth chapter of the Uttara-Tantra in the Sus'ruta Samhita which deals with the (symptoms and) treatment of Murchchha.

* According to Dallana S'ilajatu should be prepared with the said drugs after the manner of Bhavana saturation and then be applied with sugar.