(Trishna-Pratishedha Adhyaya). I.

He who is not satisfied even with the constant drinking of water but craves for more and more water should be regarded as afflicted with the disease known as thirst (morbid desire for water). 2.

Etiology: - The Pitta and Vayu of the body become extremely aggravated by such factors as (excessive) exercise, grief (or any violent mental agitation), fatigue, drinking, use of any extremely dry, acid, hot or pungent fares, or of those which cause a parched condition in the organism, or waste of any-vital organic principle (Dhatu) of the body, fasting or exposure to the sun, and combinedly affect the water-carrying channels of the body (diminish the liquid portion of the bodily lymph-chyle). The water-carrying channels thus affected give rise to violent thirst. The disease is divided into seven types. 3.


The first three are due to the action of the deranged Doshas (Vayu, Pitta and Kapha). The fourth and fifth!are respectively incidental to any ulcer and to the waste of any of its fundamental organic principles. The sixth is due to the presence of undigested fecal matter in the intestines (lit. mucus) and the seventh is due to errors in diet. Now hear me describe their specific symptoms and the therapeutic agents to be employed in curing them. 4.

Premonitory Symptoms

An extreme dryness of and a burning sensation in the palate, throat, lips and mouth, external heat, vertigo, loss of consciousness, and delirium are the general premonitory symtoms which usher in an attack of the disease. The specific symptoms are given below. 5.

Symptoms Of Vataja, Pittaja And Kaphaja Thirst

Dryness of the mouth with a tingling sensation in the regions of the temples, and the head (D. R. - throat), obstruction of the (water-carrying) channels of the body and a bad taste in the mouth, are the symptoms which specifically mark a case of the Vataja type in which the drinking of cold water leads to a distinct aggravation of the disease (thirst;. Loss of consciousness (epileptic fits), delirium, an aversion to food, dryness of the mouth, yellowness of the eyes, extreme burning sensation in the whole body, desire for coldness, a bitter taste in the mouth and a fumid sensation (in the throat) are the features which specifically mark the Pittaja type of the disease. The vapours produced by the fire of digestion being enveloped and obstructed in their course by the layer of accumulated Kapha, the heat (pent up in the body tends to dry up the moisture of its water-carrying channels and) produces a kind of thirst which is characterised by somnolence, a sense of heaviness in the limbs, a sweet taste in the mouth, extreme emaciation, cold-fever, vomiting, an aversion to food and suppuration in the skin arc the symptoms of Kaphaja type. And where such symptoms arc present, the patient has no excessive desire for drinking water. 6 - 8.

Kshataja And Kshayaja Thirsts

A case of thirst which is engendered in consequence of pain in or discharge of blood from, any cut in the body is the fourth type and is known as Kshataja thirst. The days of the patient in such a case pass with great urieasiness even if he drinks water. In the type due to the waste of the fundamental organic fluid (Rasa) which is known as Kshayaja thirst, the patient constantly drinks water in large quantity both in the day and in the night but still finds no relief. This type is attributed by several authorities to the concerted action of the three deranged Doshas and all the specifice symptoms due to the waste of the vital organic principle (Rasa) described before are expected there. 9 - 10.