This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Attentively hear me describe, Sus'ruta, the origin, cause and medical treatment of the diseases of infancy which are due to the influences of malignant stars (Graha) or demons as well as the characteristic symptoms by which each can be accurately diagonosed. The diseases number nine in all and are called Skanda-Graha, Skandapasmara, Sakuni, Revati, Putana, Andha-Putana, Sita-Putana, Mukha-mandika and Naigamesha or Pitri-Graha. 2-3.
These malignant stars (Graha) or demons affect the person of a child in the cases where the directions laid clown before (in the Sarira-sthana) in respect of the conduct of the mother or the nurse during the time the child is brought-up on the breast are not followed, and consequently where proper benedictory rites are not performed and the child is allowed to remain in an uncleanly state, or where the child becoming anyhow uneasy gets frightened, is rebuked, or begins to cry. They (demons) make their appearance for the purpose of getting proper respect and worship. They being omnipotent and omnipresent are not capable of being seen by man when they enter the person of a child. I should, therefore, discourse on the symptoms of their presence, as derived from the authority of the sages of yore. 4.
Swelling of the eyes and distorted features of the face and an aversion to the breast-milk are the indications of an attack by the Skanda-graha. The body of the chiid emits a bloody smell and one of the eyelids becomes fixed or motionless. The child looks frightened, closes his fists (as in a fit of convulsion) and moans a little. The eyes become highly rolling and the stool becomes hard and constipated. Alternate fits of fainting and consciousness, convulsive jerks of legs and hands like those in dancing, foaming (at the mouth), yawning and the passing of stool and urine with the passage of wind are the characteristic features of an attack by the Skauda'-pasmsira-graha. 5-6.
Sakuni and Revati - Looseness of limbs which emit a peculiar bird-like * smell are the indications of an attack of the child by the Sakuni Graha. The child in such a case starts up in terror and its body is covered with a large number of secreting ulcers (Vrana), or of eruptions of vesicles attended with a burning sensation subsequently suppurating and bursting of themselves. The face assumes a blood-red hue, the stool (as well as the urine) becomes green and the body of the child looks as if of deep yellow or dark brown colour, fever ensues with an inflamation of the mouth, a bruised pain is felt all over the body and the child frequently rubs its nose and ears - these are the features which mark a sure attack of Revati-Graha. 7-8.
Looseness of the limbs, disturbed sleep whether by day
* By the word
(lit. a bird) in
is here meant meateating aquatic birds.
or at nigh:, loose stools, emission of a crow-like smell from the body, vomiting, appearance of goose-flesh on the skin and thirst are the specific symptoms of an attack of the child by the Putana'-Graha. Dislike for the breast-milk as well as an attack of dysentry, (Atisara), cough, hic-cough, vomiting, fever, discolouring of the complexion, and swelling in the skin as well as an inclination to He always on the fa:e are the symptoms which are exhibited in a case of an attack by the Andha-Putana'-Graha. 9-10. Sita-putana and Mukha-mandika: -
Constant and frightened startling up, excessive shivering, comatose sleep, constant diarrheic stools and bloody smell of the limbs are the symptoms which characterise a case of an attack by Sta-Putana. The child in this case cries almost unceasingly, and a rumbling sound is heard in the intestines. Paleness (emaciation) of the body (trunk) and a glossy line (swelling) of the face and the extremities attended with frightfulness, voracious appetite, appearance of net-like veins on the abdomen and the emission of urine-like smell from the body are the symptoms of an attack of the child by Mukha-mandika' Graha. 11-12.
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