Metrical Text

Even in this world mortals may live happily, free from disease and care like the gods in heaven if they (mortals) can secure the after-mentioned drugs (of all-healing potency). 2.

Persons Unfit For The Use Of Rasá Yana

The (following) seven classes of persons, viz , the intemperate, the lazy, the indigent, the unwise, the immoral (Vyasani) * the sinful and the triflers of medicine, are unfit to take these ambrosial (Rasáyana) drugs on account of their respective ignorance, inactivity, poverty, vascillation, intemperance, impiety and inability to secure the genuine medicines. 3.

Names Of All-Healing Drugs

Now we shall discourse on these drugs. They are S'veta-kápoti, Krishna-kápoti, Gonasi, Váráhi, Kanyá, Chhatrá, Ati-chchatrá, Karenu, Ajá, Chakraká, Aditya-parnini, Suvarchalá, Brahma-suvarchalá, S'rávani, Mahá-s'rávani, Golomi, Aja-lomi and Mahá-Vegavati. These are the names of the eighteen different kinds of drugs of mighty potency. The mode of their use, theirNames Of All Healing Drugs 200159 is a technical term and is divided into two classes, viz., (i.e., produced by passion or desire) and (i.e., originated from anger). The first group comprises hunting, dice-playing, day-sleep, censuring, addiction to woman, intoxication, singing, dancing, playing on musical instruments and idle wanderings. The second class comprises wickedness, violence, malice, jealousy, envy, extravagance, roughness in language and assault. See Manu, Ch. 7. 47, 48.

therapeutical effects and the religious rites to be observed in their connection, have been described in the Sástras and are identical with those of the Soma plants. In order to use them a man should enter the (prescribed) chamber (Agára) and perform the (prescribed) Homa ceremonies. A Kudava measure of the milky juice of the secreting species of the plants should be taken once for all after entering the chamber. 4.

Three twigs or branches, however, to the length of a span of those of the non-secreting species having roots should be taken for a single dose. The (whole of) S'veta-kápoti with its leaves and roots should be used. A quantity of the severed pieces of either of the Gonasi, Ajagari (Suvarchalá) or Krishma-kápoti species including their thorns, and weighing a Musti (Sanakha-mushtika) * should be boiled with (an adequate quantity of) milk (and water). The milk thus cooked and prepared should be passed through a piece of cloth and taken only once duly consecrated. The milk cooked and prepared with one of the Chakraká † species also should be taken with milk only once, whereas (that of one of) the Brahma-suvarchalá species should be taken for seven days in succession. 5.

Five Palas of any of the remaining species should be boiled with an A'dhaka measure of milk and taken down with one quarter left. This should then be strained and the milk thus cooked should be taken in a single

dose and once only. The regimen of diet and conduct is the same as in the case of Soma, until the patient comes out of his prescribed chamber, with this difference that his body should be anointed with butter (Nava-nita). 6.

* Some explain "Sanakha mustika" as what would be contained in the hollow of a palm, with the finger nails (i.e., the fingers) extended. But "Nakha" seems to refer to the thorns of the plants and "Mushli" a Pala weight (i.e., eight Tolás).

† Gayi readsNames Of All Healing Drugs 200162 in place of' and explains it as a preparation of one part of the powders of the fruit of Kanyaká and two parts of rice cooked with milk.

Memorable Verses

The use of any of the aforesaid drugs rejuvenates the system, fills it with the strength of a lion, invests it with a beautiful shape, blesses the user with such powerful memory that he can commit to memory anything once heard, and ultimately extends his career to two thousand earthly years. Crowned with diadems of celestial beauty, decorated, as if, with Angadas (bracelets), Kundalas (earrings), crowns and heavenly wreathes (of flowers), Sandal paste and dress, the users are enabled to traverse, like the gods, the cloud-spangled high ways of heaven, unflinchingly in their pursuits. Persons whose systems have been fortified with these medicinal herbs (Oshadhis), like the users of Soma go not by the roads on earth but scale those inaccessible heights of heaven from whence the pendent rain-clouds look down upon the soil below and where the feathered wingers of the ethereal blue frequently soar up to. 7.