Metrical Texts

An Anuvásana-vasti should be applied to a patient fit to be treated therewith, seven days after the administration of a purgative and after he has regained his strength and taken his meal of rice. Three-quarter parts of the medicinal solution enjoined to be used in connection with a Niruha-vasti (dry or oilless) in consideration of the age and temperament of the patient form the (full) dose of a Sneha vasti An enema (Vasti) should be applied after the emission of stool, flatus and urine from the system, since they resist the penetration of the Sneha into the bowels. A Sneha-vasti (emulsive or oleaginous enema) should not be applied to a person whose organism has not been previously cleansed (by an appropriate emetic and purgative). The potency of the Sneha would be able to easily infiltrate into a system previously cleansed in the manner before indicated. 2.

Now we shall describe (the process of preparing) the several medicated oils in due order with reference to the different Doshas which should be used as drink and errhines and in charging a Sneha vasti and which have the power of destroying a variety of diseases (if so used). 3-A.

First Talla

Drugs such as Sathi, Pushkara, Krishná, Madana, Deva-dáru, S'atáhvá, Kushtha, Yashti-madhu, Vacha, Vilva and Chitraka should be pounded together, made into a paste and duly cooked with oil (of four times their combined (weight) and milk weighing twice and water, four times as much as the oil. The use of this medicated oil as a Vasti-measure proves curative in pacifying the incarcerated Vayu and in cases of haemorrhoids, lienteric diarrhoea (Grahani), tympanites with retention of stool aud urine, Vishama-jvara and the affections of Vayu (nervous disorders) in the waist (lumbago), the thighs (sciatica), the back and the abdomen. 3.


Vachá, Pushkara, Kushtha, Eld, Madana, Deva-dáru, Saindhava, Kákoli, Kshira-Kákoli, Yashti-madhu, Medá, Mahá medá, Narádhipa (Aragva-dha) Páhá,Jivaka, Jivanti, Bhárgi, Chandana, Katphala, Saralá (white Trivrit), Aguru, Vilva, Válaka, As'va-gandhá, Chitraka, Vriddhi, Vidanga, Aragvadha, S'yámá Trivrit, Pippali and Riddhi should be pasted together and cooked with the proper quantity of oil, milk and the decoction of the drugs of the (major) Pancha-mula group. Anuvasana-vastis of this kind are highly efficacious in cases of Gulma, tympanites with suppressed stool and urine, impaired digestion, haemorrhoids, lienteric diarrhoea (Grahani), retentions of urine and diseases due to the action of the deranged Vayu. 4.

Third Taila

Chitraká, Ativishá, Páthá, Danti, Vilva, Vacha, Amisha (Guggulu) Saralá (white Trivrit), Ams'umati (Salapami), Rásná , Nilini, Chatur-angula (Aragvadha), Chavya, Ajamodá, Kákoli, the two kinds of Medá, Deva-dáru, Jivaka, Rishavaka, Varshá-bhu, Aja-gandhá, S'atáhva, Harenu, As'va-gandhá, Man-jishthá S'atlii, Pushkara and Taskara (Choraka) should be pasted together and cooked with the proper quantity of milk and oil. The oil thus prepared is highly efficacious in the disorders of the deranged Vayu. Injected into the bowels in the manner of (an Anuvasanavasti), it speedily cures Gridhrasi (sciatica;, lameness, haunch-back, Ádhya váta, urinary diseases, obstinate constipation of the bowels (Udá-varta), impaired digestion and weakness of the body. 5.