Chapter XVII

The medical treatment of Erysipelas etc., Sinus and Diseases of the Mammary Glands: - Classifications of curable and incurable types of Visarpa (Erysipelas) - Treatment of Vataja and Pittaja Visarpa. - Gauryadi Ghrita. - Treatment of Kaphaja Visarpa. - Treatment of Nadi-Vrana (Sinus). - Treatment of Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja and S'alyaja Nadi (Sinus). - Alkaline treatment - Treatment by Plug-stick - Bhallatakadya Taila - Treatment of Stana-Roga - Purification of breast-milk - Surgical treatment of Stana-Roga. . . . . 418-426.

Chapter XVIII

The medical treatment of Granthi (Glandular Swellings), Apachi (Scarvi), Arvuda (Tumour) and Gala-ganda (Goitre): - General treatment of Granthi - Treatment of Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja and Medoja Granlhi. - Medical treatment of Apachi. - Surgical treatmenl of Apachi. - Arvuda - Treatment of Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja and Medoja types of Arvuda (Tumour). - Gala-ganda - Treatment of Vataja, Kaphaja and Medoja types of Gala-ganda (Goitre). . . . 427-438.

Chapter XIX

The medical treatment of Vriddhi (Hernia, Hydrocele. Scrotal Tumour, etc.), Upadarns'a (Diseasesof the Genital Organ) and S'lipada (Elephantiasis): - Treatment of Vataja, Pittaja, Raktaja, Kaphaja, Medoja and Mutraja Vriddhi. - Treatment of Antra-Vriddhi. - Treatment of Upadams'a - General treatment - Treatment of Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Tridoshaja and Raktaja types of Upadams'a. - Treatment of Slipada - General treatment - Treatment of Vataja, Pittaja and Kaphaja types of S'lipada - Alkaline remedies. . . . 439 - 449.

Chapter XX

The medical treatment of Kshudra Roga (Minor Ailment.-,): -

Treatment of Aja-gallika and Vava-prakhya. - Treatment of Vivrita, etc. - Treatment of S'arkararvuda, etc. - Treatment of Pada-dari, etc. - Treatment of Alasa and Kadara. - Treatment of Baldness and Alopecia, etc. - Treatment of Darunaka, etc. - Treatment of Jatu-mani, etc - Treatment of Vuvana-pidaka - Treatment of the Retroflexion of the Prepuce. - Treatment of the Constriction or Stricture of the Urethra - Its surgical treatment. - Treatment of the Stricture of the Anus, etc. - Treatment of Valmika, Ahi-putana and the Prolapsus of the Anus. . . 450-458.

Chapter XXI

The medical treatment of the Sores on the Penis produced by the Suka: - The specific treatment of the different types of S'uka-dosha - General treatment. - Prognosis. . . . 459-461.

Chapter XXII

The medical treatment of the Affections of the Mouth: -

Treatment of Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja and Medoja types of Oshthakopa - Treatment of the diseases of the Danta-mula. - Treatment of Danta-Veshta etc. - Paridara - S'aushira - Upakus'a - Danta-Vaidarbha - Adhimamsa. - Treatment of Danta-nadi. - Treatment of the diseases of the different types of Tooth proper. - Treatment of Tongue-diseases - Treatment of Vataja, Pittnja and Kaphaja types of tongue-diseases - Treatment of the different types of Talu-gata diseases - Treatment of Throat-diseases. - Treatment of Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja and Raktaja of Rohini. - Treatment of the different types of the Sarva-sara Mukha-Roga. - Incurable types of Mukha-Roga. . . 462-474.