This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
The medical treatment of Sopha (Swellings). - Classifications of general S'opha - Its causes. - The specific symptoms of Dosha-origined types of S'opha. - Symptom of Vishaja S'opha - Complications - Prognosis. - The Special treatment of the different types of S'opha. - General remedies. - Diet. . . . . . 475-477.
The Rules of Hygiene and the Prophilactic Measures:-Tooth-brushing - Cases where tooth-brushing is forbidden. - Eye and Mouth-washing. - Collyrium. - S'iro"bhyanga. - Combing. - Anointing. - Parisheka. - Affusion. - Effusion. - Anointments. - Prohibitions of Anointments, etc. - Physical Exercise. - Rubbing and Friction. - Massage. - Bathing. - Prohibition of Bathing. - Anulepana. - A'lepa. - Pood. - Pravata and Nivata. - Sleep - General Rules of Conduct. - Rules for Drinking Water, etc. - Curd hi) - When and How to be taken. - Women unfit to visit. - Evil Effects of the foregoing Abuses. . . 480-502.
The medical treatment of a Variety of Diseases: - Diseases of the Ear-lobes - Classification - Causes and Symptoms - General treatment - Specific treatment. - Treatment of Palita. - Treatment of Vyanga, etc. 503-504.
The medical treatment for increasing the Strength and the Virile Power of weak persons: - Definition of Vaji-Karana - Means of Vaji-karana. - Causes and Symptoms of the six Forms of Sexual incapacity. - Incurable types. - Remedies - Utkarika - Pupalika. - Cakes etc. 510-514.
The Recipes and Modes of using Elixirs and Rejuvenators: -
The Human Organism - Which will make it invulnerable to the inroads of any Disease and Decay. - Time of using Rasayana. - Rasayana for Mental and Physical maladies. - Vidanga-Rasayana - Vidanga-kalpa - Kasmarya-kalpa. - Bala-kalpa, - Ati-bala, Naga-bala, Vidari and S'atavari-kalpa. - Varahi-kalpa - Use of S'ana (-seeds). . . . 515-521.
The Elixirs and Remedial Agents which tend to improve the Memory and invigorate the Mental Faculties as well as to increase the Duration of Human Life: - S'vetavalguja-Rasayana - Krishnavalguja-Rasayana - Manduka-parni-Kasayana - Brahmi-Rasayana - Brahmi-Ghrita - Vacha-Rasayana - S'ala-paka-Vacha-Ghrita. - Measures for prolonging life. - Uses of Gold. . . . . 522-523.
The Restorative and the Constructive Agents which arrest innate morbific tendencies and decays: - Classifications of Soma. - Mode of using the Soma. - Regimen of Diet and Conduct after taking Soma. - Its Therapeutic effects. - Distinctive features of the Soma-plants - Their descriptions - Their Habitats. . . . . 530-538.
The Tonic Remedies which remove Mental and Physical Distress: - Persons unfit for the use of Rasayna. - Names of the healing drugs. - The Mode of their use. - Regimen of Diet and Conduct - Dosage - Therapeutic effects. - Differentiating traits. - Mode of Culling the above drugs. - Their Habitats. - The common Habitat of all the Oshadhis.
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