This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
The two kinds of inflamed Ulcers: - The Causes, Symptoms and Classification of Ulcers. - Idiopathic and Traumatic ulcers. - General and specific Symptoms. - Symptoms of different Dosha-origined ul -Symptoms of Bloo 1-originel ulcers. - Symptoms of Suddha Vrana. - Therapeutics. - The sixty different Factors of medical treatment of ulcers. - Upadrava or the Supervening Symptoms of ulcers. . . 269 - 264.
The medical treatmant of Traumitic Wounds or Sores; - Different Shapes an 1 Classifications of - -Their definitions - Their specific Symptoms - Their treatment. - Treatment of Cuts or Incised Wounds. - Treatment of Excised Wounds. - Treatment of Viscera when perforated. - Subsequent treatment. - Treatment of Diabetic Ulcers. - Treatment of Ulcers due to Kushtha or malignant Ulcers. . 265 - 278.
The medical treatment of Fractures and Dislocations: - Symptoms of incurable fractures. - Bandage. - Diet. - Defective Bandaging - Washing. - Prrgnosis. - Treatment of fractures in paiticular linbs. - Gandha-Taila. - Suppuration of fractured Bones - Symptoms of Complete union of fractured Joints. . . . 279 - 288.
The medical treatment of Vata-Vya'dhi or Nervous disorders: - Nervous affection of the A'mas'aya - Nervous affections of the Pakvas'aya - S'alvana-upanaha. - General Measures beneficial to Vata-Vyadhi. - The Tilvaka-Ghrita. - The Anu-Taila. - The S'ata-paka and Sahasra-paka Taila. - The Patradavana. - The Kanda or Snehadavana. - The Kalyanaka-lavana. ••• . . . . 289 - 296.
The medical treatment of Maha-Vata-Vyadhi: - Causes of Vata-Rakta. - Its definition - Premonitory symptoms - Specific features of Vata-Rakta - Prognosis. - Preliminary remedial measures. - Plasters etc. - Treatment of Vata-Rakta with a preponderance of different Doshas. - The five Pradehas - Guda-Haritaki and Pippali-Yardhamana Yogas. - Diet. - Regimen of conduct. - The Medical Treatment of Apatanaka. - Traivrita Ghrita. - Treatment of Pakshaghata, - Treatment of Manya-stambha. - Treatment of Apatantraka. - Treatment of Ardita. - Kshira-Taila. - Tympanites etc. - Hingvadi-vati. - Symptoms anl Treatment of Uru-stambha. - Therapeutic properties of Guggulu. . . 297 - 315.
The medical treatment of Ars'as (Haemorrhoids): - General remedial measures. - Application ot Kshara (Alkali). - Symptoms of satisfactory, excessive and defective Cauterisation. - Diet - Rectal Speculum. - Plasters. - Treatment of Internal piles. - Dantyarishta. - Abhayarishta. - Bhallataka-yoga. - Other forms of Bhallritaka-yoga. - Regimen of diet and conduct. . . . . . 316-328,
The medical treatment of As'mari (Urinary Calculus, etc): -
Different modes of treatment in As'mari. - Treatment of Vataja, Pittaja and Kaphaja As'mari. - Alkaline treatments. - Modes of Surgical operations. - Prognosis. - Lithotomic operations. - Post-surgical measures. - Surgical treatment in Seminal Concretions. - Diet - Parts to he guarded in Lithotomic operations. . . . . 329-337.
The medical treatment of Bhagandara (Fistula-in-ano, etc): -
Classification. - General treatment. - Specific measures. - Different Forms and Names of incision. - Treatment of Ushtra-griva. - Treatment of Parisravi. - Bhagandara in infants - Treatment. - Treatment of traumatic type. - Treatment of Tri-doshaja type. - Syandana Taila. - Description of instrument. - Regimen of diet. . . . 338-345.
The medical treatment of Kushtha (Cutaneous Affections in general): - Pathology. - Conduct of diet and regimen. - Regulation of diet and conduct. - Preliminary treatment. - Treatment of Doshaja types. - Maha-tikta Ghrita. - Tikta-Sarpih. - Medicinal plasters. - Alkaline treatment. - Treatment of S'vitra. - Nila-Ghrita. - Maha-nila Ghrita. - Treatment by Bleeding, Emetics and Purgatives. - Vajraka Taila. - Maha-Vajraka Taila. - Treatment by Khadira. - Diet. . . . 346-361.
The medical treatment of Maha-Kushtha (Major Cutaneous Affections). - Mantha-Kalpas. - Diet. - Medicated Arishtas, Asavas, Suras (Wine) and Powders. - Medicinal Ayas-kriti. - Aushadha Ayas-kriti. - Mahaushadha Ayas-kriti. - Khadira preparations. ..Khadira-Sara preparations. . . . . . 362-371.
The medical treatment of Prameha (Diseases of the Urinary tracts): - Two-fold Classifications, Causes and Symptoms. - Forbidden articles of food and drink. - Articles of diet. - Preliminary treatment. - The five medicinal remedies. - Specific treatment of Kaphaja Meha - Specific treatment of Pittaja Meha. - Specific treatment of Vataja Meha. - Palliative measures - Medicinal Arishtas, Asavas, Yavagus, etc. - Mode of treating a poor Prameha-patient. . . . 372-378.
The medical treatment of Prameha-Pidaka (the Abscesses or Eruptions which mark the sequel of a case of Prameha): - Curable cases of Prameha-Pidaka. - Treatment. - Dhanvantara-Ghrita. - Fomentations forbidden in cases of Madhu-meha. - S'ala-saradi Avaleha. - Navayasa Churna. - Loharishta. - Traits of cure. . . . 379-385.
The medical treatment of Madhu-meha: - S'ila-jatu - Its origin, properties and use. - The Makshika-Kalpa. - The Tuvaraka-Kalpa. 286-391.
The medical treatment of Udara (Dropsy with an abnormal condition of the Abdomen): - Symptoms of curable and incurable types. - Diet of articles forbidden. - Treatment of Vataja, Pittaja and Kaphaja types. - Treatment of Dushyodara. - Genera] treatment of Udara. - Haritaki Ghrita. - Maha-vriksha Ghrita. - Chavya Ghrita. - Anaha-Vartis. - Treatment of Plihodara. - Shat-palaka Ghrita. - Treatment by Venesection. - Treatment of Baddha-Gudodara. - Treatment of Parisravi Udara. - Treatment of Udakodara. - Treatment by tapping. - Diet. ., 392-403.
The medical treatment of MudhaGarbha (Difficult and mal-presentation of the Foetus and Difficult Labour): - Varieties of Mudha-Garbha. - Incantations. - Postures of the Foetus. - Operations involving destruction of the Foetus. - Craniotomy. - After-measures. - Diet and regimen of conduct. - The Bala Taila. - The Bala-Kalpa. . 404-411.
The medical treatment of Vidradhi (Abscesses) and Turn ours: -
Classifications. - Tieatment of Vataja, Pittaja and Kaphaja Vidradhi. - Karanjadya Ghrita. - Treatment of traumatic and blood-origined types. - Treatment of internal Vidradhi. - Treatment of Vidradhi. - Treatment of Majja-jata Vidradhi. . . . . 412-417.
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