The Arkadi Group

The drugs known as the Arka, Alarka, the two kinds of Karanja, Nagadanti, Mayuraka, Bhargi, Rasna, Indrapushpi, Kshudrashveta Mahashveta, Vrishchikali, Alavana and Tapasha-Vriksha, enter into the composition of the group known as the Arkadi Gana.

Metrical Texts

The group known as the Arkadi destroys Kapham, fat, and the effects of poison. It acts as a vermifuge and a specific aseptic agent in the case of an ulcer and proves curative in diseases of the skin.

The Surasadi Group

The drugs known as Surasa, white Surasa, Fainjjhaka, Arjaka, Bhustrina, Sugandhaka, Sumukha, Kalamala, Kashamarda, Kshavaka, Kharpushpa, Vidanga, Katphala, Surasi, Nirgundi, Kulahala, Indurakarnika, Phanji, Prachi-vala, Kakamachi and Vishamushtika form the group known as the Surasadi Gana.

Metrical Texts

The group acts as a vermifuge and is an aseptic agent. It subdues the deranged Kapham and proves beneficial in catarrh, non-relish for food, asthma and cough.

The Mushkakadi Group

The group of medicinal drugs known as the Mushkakadi consists of Mushkaka, Palasha, Dhava, Chitraka, Madana, Shinshapa, Vajra-Vriksha and Triphala.

Metrical Text

The present group is possessed of the therapeutic virtue of destroying fat and 44 removing the defects of semen. Meha, piles, jaundice, chlorosis, gravels and urinary calculi in the bladder are the diseases which yield to its curative efficacy.

The Pippalyadi Group

The group of medicinal drugs known as the Pippalyadi consists of Pippali, Pippali mulam, Chavya, Chitraka, Shringavera, Maricha, Hasti-Pippali, Harenuka, Ela, Ajamoda, Indrayava, Patha, Jiraka, Sarshapa, Maha-Nimva-Phala, Hingu, Bhargi, Madhurasa, Ativisha, Vacha, Vidanga and Katurohini.

Metrical Text

The present group acts as a good appetiser and is an absorbant of intestinal mucous and unassimilated lymph chyle. The range of its therapeutical application includes catarrh, deranged Kapham and Vatam, non-relish for food, abdominal glands, colic and gastralgia.

The Eladi Group

The group of medicinal drugs known as the Eladi-Gana consists of Ela, Tagara, Kushtha, Mansi, Dhyamaka, Tvaka, Patra, Naga-pushpa, Priyangu, Harenuka, Vyaghranakha, Shukti, Chanda, Sthauneyaka, Shriveshtaka, Chocha, Choraka, Valaka, Guggulu, Sarjarasa, Turushka, Kunduruka, Aguru, Sprikka, Ushira, Bhadradaru, Kumkuma, Punnaga and Keshara.

Metrical Text

The therapeutic virtue of the group consists in subduing the action of Vayu and Kapham and in neutralising the effects of poison. It is a cosmetic and arrests the eruption of pimples and other vegetations on the skin such as rash, urticaria etc. and checks the itching sensation incidental thereto.

The Vachadi And Haridradi Groups

The groups known as the Vachadi and Haridradi Ganas, respectively consist of Vacha, Musta, Ativisha, Abhaya, Bhadradaru, Nagakeshara (Vachadi), Haridra, Daruharidra, Kalashi, Kutaja seeds and Madhuka (Haridradi).

Metrical Text

These two groups are the purifiers of breast milk and specifically act as the assimilators of the deranged humours of the body, their curative properties being markedly witnessed in cases of mucous dysentery (Amatisara).