This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
The drugs known as Shyama, Maha-Shyama, Trivrit, Danti, Shan-khini, Tilvaka, Kampillaka, Ramyaka, Kramuka, Putrashroni, Gavakshi, Rajavriksha, the two kinds of Karanja, Guduchi, Saptala, Chhagalantri, Sudha and Suvarnakhiri, form the group known as the Shyamadi Gana.
This group is possessed of the therapeutic virtue of curing abdominal glands and acts as an anti-toxic. It proves beneficial in Anaha (epistasis), abdominal dropsy and diarrhoea and is one of the most reliable purgatives in cases of obstinate constipation of the bowels with suppression of urine and distention of the abdomen (Udavarta).
The drugs known as Vrihati, Kantakarika, Kutajaphala, Patha and Madhuka combinedly form the group known as the Vrihatyadi Gana.
The group is a good digestant or assimilator of the deranged humours. It subdues the deranged Vata, Pitta and Kapham and proves efficacious in cases of nausea, water-brash, dysuria and non- relish for food.
The drugs known as Patola, Chandana, Kuchandana, Murva, Guduchi, Patha, and Katurohini form the group known as the Patoladi Gana.
The group is a febrifuge and anti-toxic, and its therapeutic action consists in destroying the action of the deranged Pittam and Kapham. It restores the natural relish of the patient for food, removes vomiting, and proves beneficial in ulcers, and itching erythematous eruptions.
The drugs known as Kakoli-Kshira-Kakoli, Jivaka, Rishabhaka, Mudga-parni, Mashaparni, Meda, Mahameda, Chhinna-ruha, Karkata-Shringi, Tugakshiri, Padmaka, Prapaundarika, Riddhi, Vriddhi, Mridvika, Jivanti and Madhuka, com-binedly form the group known as the Kakolyadi Gana.
The group of medicinal drugs under discussion subdues the action of the deranged Pittam, blood and Vayu. It increases the quantity of milk in the breast (galactagogue) and favours the accumulation of phlegm (Kapham) in the body. It is a restorative and an elixir and is endued with the therapeutic virtue of augmenting the virile potency of a man.
The medicinal drugs and substances known as Ushaka (alkaline earth) Saindhava salt, Shilajatu, the two kinds of Kasisa, Hingu and Tutthaka enter into the composition of the group known as the Ushakadi Gana.
It destroys kapham (mucous), absorbs the fat of the body and proves curative in cases of stone or gravel in the bladder (urinary calculi), dysuria and abdominal glands (Gulma).
The drugs known as Sariva, Madhuka, Chandana, Kuchandana, Padmaka, Kashmari phala, Madhuka-pushpa and Ushira, com-binedly form the group known as the Sarivadi Gana.
The group under discussion allays thirst and proves curative in a case of haemoptysis, Its therapeutic virtue consists in curbing an attack of bilious (Pittaja) fever and in specifically alleviating the burning sensation (Daha) of the body.
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