This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
The group known as the Anjanadi Gana consists of Anjana, Rasanjana, Nagapushpa, Priyangu, Nilotpala, Nalada, Nalina, Keshara and Madhuka.
An attack of haemoptysis readily yields to the curative virtue of the group under discussion. It is anti-toxic in its character and allays the internal burning sensation of the body.
The group known as the Parushakadi Gana consists of Parushaka, Drdksha, Kat-phala, Dadima, Rajadana, Kataka-phala Shaka-phala and Triphala.
It subdues the deranged Vayu, allays thirst, acts as a cordial, increases one's relish for food and cures the diseased or abnormal components of urine or its defects.
The group of medicinal drugs known as the Priyangvadi Gana consists of Priyangu, Samanga, Dhataki, Naga-pushpa, Chandana, Kuchandana, Mocharasa, Rasanjana, Kumbhika, Srotohnjana, Padma-keshara, Jojanvalli, and Dirghamula.
Drugs known as Amvashtha, Dhataki flowers, Samanga, Katvanga, Madhuka, Vilva-peshika, Rodhra, Savara-Rodhra, Palasha, Nandi-Vriksha and Padma keshara, enter into the composition of the group known as the Amvashthadi Gana.
The two medicinal recipes or groups prove beneficial in a case of deranged Pitta, favour the healing of ulcers, bring about the adhesion of fractured bones and prove curative in cases of dysentery where the stools are found to consist of lumps of thick and matured mucous (Pakvatisara.)
The drugs known as Nyagrodha, Audumvara, Ashvattha, Plaksha, Madhuka, Kapitana, Kakubha, Amra, Koshamra, Chorakapatra, the two sorts of Jamvu, Piyala, Madhuka (Maula), Rohini, Vanjula, Kadamva, Vadari, Tinduki, Sallaki, Rodhra, Savara-Rodhra, Bhallataka, Palasha, and Nandi-Vriksha, combinedly form the group known as the Nyagodhradi Gana.
This group proves beneficial in cases of ulcer, cures all disorders of the uterus and vagina, favours the adhesion of fractured bones and all sorts of secretions of the body in addition to its astringent properties (Sangrahi) and proves curative in a case of haemoptysis. It is an anti-fat and assuages the burning sensation of the body.
The drugs known as Guduchi, Nimva; Kustumvuru, Chandana, and Padmaka, combinedly form the group known as the Guduchyadi Gana.
It is a good appetiser, and acts as a general febrifuge and successfully combats such symptoms as nausea, want of relish for food, vomiting, thirst and burning sensation of the body.
The drugs known as Utpala, Raktotpala, Kumuda Saugondhika, Kuvalaya, Pundarika and Madhuka constitute the group known as the Utpaladi Gana.
This group is possessed of the therapeutic virtue of allaying thirst and corrects the deranged Pittam and the vitiated blood. It assuages the burning sensation of the body and proves curative in cases of vomiting, in Hridroga (Angina pectoris) in syncope, in haemoptysis and in cases of poisoning as well.
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