This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
The group of drugs known as Mushtadi Gana is composed of Musta, Haridra, Daru-Haridra, Haritaki, Amlaki, Vibhitaka, Kushtha, Haimavati, Vacha, Patha, Katu-rohini, Sharngashta, Ativisha, Dravidi, Bhallataka and Chitraka.
The group under discussion destroys the deranged Shleshma, cures uterine and vaginal disorders, purifies the breast milk of a mother, and acts as a good digestant (Pachana).
The drugs known Haritaki, Amlaki and Vibhitaka, constitute the group known as the Triphaladi Gana.
The present group destroys the action of the deranged Vayu, Kapham and Pittam and proves curative in Meha, and in diseases of the skin (Kushtham). It is a good appetiser, improves the eyesight and proves beneficial in chronic intermittent fever (Vishama-jvara).
The Trikatu group consists of Pippali, Maricha and Shringavera.
It destroys fat and Kapham, proves curative in cutaneous affections, leprosy (Kushtha), and morbid discharges from the urethra, and is possessed of the virtue of curing abdominal glands, catarrh, dullness of the appetite and indigestion.
The group known as the Amlakyadi Gana consists of Amlaki, Haritaki, Pippali and Chitraka.
The present group of medicinal drugs acts as a general febrifuge and may be used with advantage in fevers of whatsoever type. Moreover, it is an aphrodisiac and acts as a general tonic or restorative and appetiser, destroying the deranged Kapham and improving the eyesight.
The group known as the Trapvadi Gana consists of Trapu, Sisa, Tamra, Rajata, Krishna-Lauha, Suvarna and Lohamala.
The present group is regarded as a good vermifuge and possessed of the virtue of neutralising the effects of chemical poison originated through incompatible combinations. Its therapeutic range covers jaundice, chlorosis, Meha (morbid secretions from the urethra), Hridroga (heart disease), thirst and maladies incidental to the effects of poison.
The drugs known as the Laksha, Arevata, Kutaja, Ashvamara, Katphalam, Haridra, Daru-Haridra, Nimva, Saptachchhada, Malati, and Trayamana form the Lakshadi Gana.
This consists of astringent, bitter and sweet taste (Rasa) and acts as a good vermifuge and a purifying (aseptic) agent in cases of bad, malignant or indolent ulcers. Diseases due to the deranged Kapham and Pittam prove amenable to its curative properties, which extend to cases of cutaneous affections (Kushtham) as well. Now we shall describe the five groups of medicinal roots (Mulam), each consisting of similar number of components.
The group known as the minor group of five roots (Svalpa-Pancha-Mula) consists of the roots of medicinal plants known as the Trikantaka, the two species of Vrihati, Prithakparni, and Vidarigandha.
The compound possesses a taste blended of astringent, bitter and sweet. It is a tonic and aphrodisiac, subdues the deranged Vayu and proves soothing to the deranged Pittam.
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