Chapter XXIII. Prognosis In Ulcer Cases

Easy curability of an ulcer - Symp toms of an ulcer which readily granulates - Symptoms of difficult or incurable types, as well as of those which admit only of palliation - Symptoms of a purified, granulating or healed ulcer - Factors which lead to the reopening of a healed ulcer .. 220 - 227

Chapter XXIV. Classification Of Diseases According As They Are Medical Or Surgical

Further classification of diseases according as they are congenital, etc. - Diseases due to mental, physical or providential

CONTENTS. , vii causes - Diseases due to the derangement of lymph chyle, etc. - Relation between fever and the deranged Vayu, Pittam and Kapham .. .. .. .. .. 228 - 237

Chapter XXV. Eight Different Forms Of Surgical Operation

Cases where incision, excision, scarification, aspiration, extraction, etc. should be respectively resorted to - Mode and conditions of suturing - Defective surgical operations - Symptoms which mark the injudicious hurting Of a vein, artery, ligament, joint or bone, as well as those which are manifested when any of the other Marinas is accidentally hurt .. .. .. .. .. 238 - 246

Chapter XXVI. Exploration Of Splinters, Deep-Seated In The Organism

Definition of a Shalyam - Classification of the shafts of arrows - Flights of arrows - Characteristic symptoms of arrow-wounds - Localisation of a shaft of arrow lying imbedded in the body - Symptoms which show that the shaft or the splinter does not lie imbedded in the wound - Evils of not extracting the shaft of an arrow from such a wound .. .. .. .. .. 247 - 255

Chapter XXVII. Extraction Of Splinters

Fifteen different processes of extrac-t - Two recognised modes of extracting splinters from all types of wounds - Measures to be adopted after the extraction - Mode of acting splinters from veins, etc. - Dangers of not extracting splinter from a wound .. .. .. 256 - 265

Chapter XXVIII. Favourable Or Unfavourable Prognosis Of An Juicer

Fatal unfavourable symptoms - Advisability of abandoning ihe patient these unfavouraole symptoms appear .. .. 266 - 269

Chapter XXIX

Favourable or unfavourable prognosis in diseases as known from messengers, omens, birds of happy or evil augury: - The same predicted from dreams, etc. - Remedies for inauspicious dreams under the circumstance - Description of auspicious dreams 270 - 283

Chapter XXX. Prognosis That Can Be Obtained From The Perverted Functions Of The Five Sense Organs

Arishtas or unfavourable mental symptoms - Unfavourable symptoms in connection with the faculties of hearing, touch, taste, smell or sight .. .. 284 - 287

Chapter XXXI. Prognosis To Be Gathered From The Altered Condition Of Features

Other Aristha symptoms in connection with Asthma, Cough, and (Edema, etc. .. .. .. 288 - 292

Chapter XXXII

Prognosis based on the perversion of the external appearances of the body and other Arishta symptoms .. .. 293 - 297

Chapter XXXIII

Incurable diseases, and Incurable symptoms developed in connection with diseases of the nervous systems, morbid urethral discharges, Leprosy, Haemorrhoids: - Fistula in ano - Urinary concretions, Difficult labour, Ascites, Fever, Dysentery, Phthisis, abdominal glands, Abscess, Chlorosis, Haemoptysis, Insanity and Epilepsy .. .. .. .. .. 298-302