
The urine, bile and dung of a cow ‡ together with wine, should be boiled (in the manner of Rasa-kriyanjana preparation) in the expressed juice of Dhatri, or in the Rasa (serum) of the liver of an animal (e.g. a goat), or in the decoction of Triphala. It is called the Kshudranjana, and should be applied to the affected organ in the manner of an Anjana (collyrium). An Anjana consisting of cow's urine, clarified butter, Samudra-phena, Pippali, Katphala, Saindhava and honey mixed together should be first kept inside a hollow bamboo and subsequently applied (in night-blindness) as a collyrium. The Medas (fat) and liver of a goat, together with a quantity of clarified butter skimmed out of the milk of a she-goat, mixed with Pippali and Saindhava should be boiled and cook-ed with the (expressed) juice of Amalaka (in the manner of Rasa-kriya preparations). It should then be mixed with honey and kept in a closed vessel made of Khadira (Catechu) wood. The use of this (compound), known as the Kshudranjana, as an Anjana (collyrium) would be attended with good results. Harenu, Pippali-sceds (without pericarps), Eld and the liver (of a goat, etc.) should be pasted with the Rasa of cow-dung. Used as an Anjana, it would prove efficacious in a case of Kapha-affected vision (Sleshma-Vidagdha-Drishti). 12-14.

* Rasa may also, from the context, mean the watery secretions of cow-dung.

† Dallana's reading is evidentlyRasa Kriya Njana 30022 which he explains as meaning the juice or serum of the liver of a goat, etc.

‡ The text hasRasa Kriya Njana 30023 | The termwhich literally means a cow, here stands for any female quadruped, such as a she-goat, etc.

The liver of a Godha(a kind of wild lizard)should be partially opened and stuffed with Pippali and roasted in fire (having been coated with clay ). The use of the compound * for only once † as an Anjana (with honey)

* According to Dallana the Pippali so roasted should be used with honey as an Anjana.

† Roth Vrinda and Chakradatta readRasa Kriya Njana 30025 in place ofand the commentators of both of them say that 'the sentence means - the liver should be taken internally and the Pippali should be used as an Anjana. The commentator of Vrinda further says that the practice is to use both of them together as an Anjana.

would be found to be highly beneficial in cases of night-blindness. Similarly a single application of an Anjana made of a goat's liver stuffed with Pippali * and roasted in fire as in the preceding case would speedily and certainly cure an attack of night-blindness. As an alternative, both the spleen and the liver (of a goat or of a lizard) would be cut into pieces, mixed with oil and clarified butter, and roasted on a spit. Used internally or used as an Anjana with mustard oil, it would speedily cure an attack of night-blindness. 15-17.

An Anjana or a pill composed of Nadija (Saindhava), S'imbi (D. R. - Samkha - conch-shell), Kataka, Anjana (Rasanjana), Manah-s'ila, the two kinds of Nis'a, pasted together with the juice of the liver † (of a cow) and mixed with red-sandal paste is recommended in a case of day-blindness. 18.