Taken Four At A Time

The Madhura (sweet) Rasa has got ten different combinations of four at a time. Similarly Amla (acid) Rasa has got four, and Lavana (saline) Rasa only one. They are as follows : - (1) Sweet, acid, saline and pungent, (2) Sweet, acid, saline and bitter, (3) Sweet, acid, saline and astringent, (4) Sweet, acid, pungent and bitter (5) Sweet, acid, pungent and astringent, (6) Sweet, saline, pungent and bitter, (7) Sweet, acid, bitter and astringent, (8) Sweet, saline, pungent and astringent, (9) Sweet, saline, pungent and astringent, and (10) Sweet, pungent, bitter and astringent - these are the ten combinations (taken four at a time and) beginning with Madhura (sweet) Rasa. (1) Acid, saline, pungent and bitter, (2) Acid, saline, bitter and astringent, (3) Acid, pungent, bitter and astringent, and(4) Acid, saline, pungent and astringent- these are the four combinations beginning with Amla (acid) taste. (1) Saline, pungent, bitter and astringent- this is the only one combination beginning with Lavana (saline) taste. Thus the fifteen different combinations (of the six Rasas) taken four at a time have been enumerated. Now we shall speak of their combinations taken five at a time. 6.

Taken Five At A Time

Th:re would be five combinations (of the six Rasas) taken five at a time and beginning with the Madhura (sweet) Rasa, and only one with Amla (acid) Rasa. They arc as follows: - (1) Sweet, acid, saline, pungent and bitter, (2) Sweet, acid, saline, pungent and astringent, (3) Sweet, acid, saline, bitter and astringent, (4) Sweet, acid, pungent, bitter and astringent, and 5) Sweet, saline, pungent, bitter and astringent - these arc the five combinations (of the six Rasas) taken live at a time beginning with Madhura (sweet) Rasa, (1) Acid, saline, pungent, bitter and astringent is the only one combination of the kind beginning with Amla (acid Rasa. Thus the six combinations taken five at a time have been enumerated. Now we shall speak of their combination with (all the) six at a time. 7.

The combination (of the six Rasas) taken (all the) six at a time is only one. The only combination of this kind is (1) Sweet, acid, saline, pungent, bitter and astringent. 8.

Separately taken one at a time, the six Rasas will be - (1) Madhura (sweet), (2) Amla acid (3) Lavana (saline) (4) Katuka (pungent), (5) Tikta (bitter, and (6) Kashaya (astringent). 9.

Memorable Verse

Sixty-three combinations of the six different Rasas have been enumerated by the experts on Rasa and these sixty-three combinations should be prescribed by experienced physicians with due regard to (the aggravation or diminution of one or more of) the (three) different Doshas. 10.

Thus ends the sixty-third chapter of the Uttara-Tantra in the Sus'ruta Samhita which deals with the different combinations of the (six) different Rasas.