The Different Defects Of A Vasti

Now we shall deal with the defects and the evil effects which are consequent upon the wrong and injudicious application of a Vasti. The defects of wrongly handling a Vasti (Pranidhána-dosha) are six in number, viz., the pipe may shake or revolve; it may also be pressed side-wise or thrown upwards; and it may sink down or may be pressed slantingly. Excessive thickness, coarseness, bending down, narrowness, cleavage, nearness or distance of the tying bands (Karniká) narrowness or excessive width of its internal aperture, excessive length or extreme shortness are the eleven defects which the pipe of a Vasti (Netra-dosha) may have. The five objectionable features in the bladder (Vasti-dosha) are an excessive flabbiness, narrowness, width of its internal aperture, leakiness and an imperfect bending at its mouth (neck). Variation in pressures put upon a Vasti (Enema syringe) during its application may be attended with any of the four objectionable features (Pidana-dosha), viz., overpressure (pressing the injection into the rectum with an injuriously excessive force), under-pressure, repeated pressures and pressure at long intervals. The eleven defects in the ingredients of the Vasti (Dravya-dosha) are insufficient cooking, excessive or insufficient quantity, extreme coldness, excessive heat, extreme keenness of potency, excessive mildness, excess or want of oiliness (Sneha), extreme thickness of consistency and over-fluidity. Lying with the head raised up or hung down or in a bent or sitting posture or resting on one's back or in a contracted posture or on one's right side are the seven defective postures (Sayyá-dosha) in which a patient should never be laid during the application of a Vasti. These are the twenty-four defects which attend the wrong application of a Vasti owing to the ignorance or inexperience of a physician, while those which are the effects of the injudiciousness of a patient are fifteen in number and would be described in the chapter on Áturopadrava-Chikitsita (Chapter XXXIX (Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Fever (Jwara-Pratishedha)), Chikitsita-sthána). 16.

The Sneha injected into the bowels by a Vasti is obstructed in its passage and cannot consequently leave the system but is retained in it through any of the following eight causes, viz, obstruction of the food by the three Doshas, its admixture with the fœcal matter (accumulated in the bowels), its being injected too high up into the intestines, an omission to foment (the patient's body), using the Sneha in a cold state or in a small quantity and lastly use of no meals or of scanty meals by the patient previous to the application of a Vasti. These (retentive conditions) are due to the indiscretion of both the physician and the patient. Nine distressing symptoms (Vyápad) namely as a defective application of either the Anuvásana or the Ásthápana Vastis, distension of the abdomen, (Ádhmána) a cutting pain in the region of the anus, (Parikartiká) Dysenteric stools (Parisráva), diarrhoea (Praváhiká), affecting the heart (Hridayaopasarana), catching pain in the limbs, over-dosage, haemorrhage manifest themselves in consequence of any act of indiscretion of the physician in attendance. 17.

Memorable Verse

The seventy six kinds of the distressing symptoms (Vyápad) have been briefly described above. Their symptoms and treatment would be described in the following chapter. 18.

Thus ends the Thirty-fifth Chapter in the Chikitsita Sthánam in the Sus'ruta Samhita which deals with the dimensions, classifications and therapeutical applications of a Netra and a Vasti.