This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Now we shall describe in full the respective effects of the bulb-poisons which are very strong Tikshna) in their actions The bulb-poison known as the Kalakuta produces complete anesthesia, shivering and numbness. Paralysis of the neck and yellowness of the stool, urine and of the eye-balls are the symptoms produced in a case of Vatsanábha-poisoning. Retention of stool and urine (Anáha), disorders of the palate and the appearance of glands are the effects of a case of Sarshapa poisoning.
9 of speech and weakness of the neck arc the symptoms in a case of Palaka poisoning. Water-brash loose stools (diarrhoea) and a yellowness of the eyes mark a case of Kardainaka poisoning. Pain in the limbs and diseases of the head arc produced in a case of Vairataka-poisoning. Shivering and a numbness of the limbs are the effects of a case of Mustaka-poisoning. Lassitude, a burning sensation in the body and an enlargement of the abdomen mark a case of S'ringi-visha-poisoning. An enlargement of the abdomen and redness of the eyes are the symptoms of Pundarika-poisoning. A discolouring of the complexion, vomiting hic-cough, swelling and a loss of cousciousness are the effects of the Mulaka-poison. Difficult breathing and a tawny brown colour of the skin mark a case of Hala-hala-poisoning. Aneurysm (Granthi) on the region of the heart and a piercing pain in the same are the symp toms in a case of Maha'-visha-poisoning; while a case of Karkataka-poisoning is marked by laughing, gushing of the teeth and jumping up (without any cause). 14
These thirteen kinds of bulbous poisons should be deemed as very strong * in their potency and they possess the following ten properties in common. They arc parching (Ruksha) and heat-making (Ushna in their potency. They are sharp (Tikshna) and subtle (Sukshma) i.e., have the power of penetrating into the minutest capillaric-the body and arc instantaneous (Asu) in their effects. They first permeate the whole organism and become subsequently digested (Vyaváyi) and disintegrate the root-principles of the body (Vikási) . They are non-viscid (Vis'ada), light in potency (Laghu) and indigestible (Apáki). 15.
A poison aggravates the bodily Váyu in virtue of its parching quality and vitiates the blood and the Pitta through its heat-generating property. It overwhelms the mind (produces unconsciousness) and tends to disintegrate the limbs and muscles in virtue of its sharpness and penetrates into and deranges the minutest capi Haries owing to its extreme subtile essence. It proves speedily fatal owing to its speedy activity and spreads through the entire organism which is the very nature of a drug) on account of its rapid permeating or expansive quality. It annihilates the root-principles (Dhátus) as well as the Doshas and the Malas (excreta) of the body through the power of disintregation, and does not addhere to any spot therein owing to its non-viscidness. It baffles the efficacies of other drugs and thus becomes unremediable on account of the extreme lightness (of its potency), and it cannot be easily assimilated owing to its innate indigestibility. It thus proves troublesome for a long time. 16.
* The text has "Ugra-viryani" (strong in potency). Gayi reads "Agra-Viryani" (of great poteney).
A poison of whatsoever sort, whether animal, vegetable, or chemical, which proves almost instantaneously fatal (within a day) should be regarded as possessed of all the ten aforesaid qualities. 17.
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