Definition Of Dushi-Visha (Weak And Slow Poison)

A poison whether animal, vegetable or chemical, not fully eliminated from the system and partially inherent therein, enfeebled, of course by anti-poisonous remedies is designated a Dushi-visha (weak and slow poison) which is even extended to those the keenness of potency whereof is enfeebled by the sun, the fire and the wind, as well as to those which are found to be naturally devoid of some of the ten aforesaid natural qualities of a poison. A Dushi visha, owing to its enfeebled or attenuated virtue and as a necessary consequence of its being covered over with the bodily Kapha, ceases to be fatal though retained in the system for a number of years. 18.

Symptoms Of Weak And Slow Poisoning

A person afflicted with any sort of Dushi-Visha develops such symptoms as, looseness of stool (diarrhoea), a discoloured complexion, fetor in the body, bad taste in the mouth, thirst, epileptic fits, vomiting (D. R. - vertigo), lassitude, confused speech and all the symptoms of Dushyodara * A Dushi -Visha lodged in the Amásaya (stomach) gives rise to diseases due to the combined action of the Váyu and Kapha; scat-id in the Pakvásaya (intestines) it brings on diseases due to the deranged condition of the Váyu and Pitta and leads to the falling off of the hair. The patient becomes rapidly atrophied, and looks like a wingless bird. When it attacks the Rasa, etc. † of the system it produces the diseases * peculiar to the root or vital principles of the body. Its action on the body becomes aggravated on a cloudy day and by exposure to cold and wind. 19-21.

* See Chapter VII (Sounds Of A (Medicated) Drum, Etc., Possessed Of Anti-Venomous Virtues (Dundhubhi-Svaniya)). para 10, Niána-sthána.

† These are the seven fundamental principles of the body.

Premonitory Symptoms Of Dushi- Visha Poisoning

Now hear me first describe the premonitory symptoms (of its aggravation). They are as follow: - Sleepiness, heaviness (of the limbs), yawning, a sense of looseness (in the joints), horripilation and aching of the limbs. These are followed by a sense of intoxication after meals, indigestion, disrelish for food, eruptions of circular patches (Man-dala) on the skin, urticaria (Kotha), fainting fits, loss of the vital principles of the organism (D. R - loss of flesh) swelling of the face and the extremities (D.R. - Atrophy of the hands and legs), ascites (Dakodara), vomiting, epileptic fits, Vishama-jvara, high-fever and an un-qucnchchable thirst. Moreover, some of these poisons produce insanity. Some of them are characterised by an obstinate constipation of the bowels (Anáha), others, by an involuntary emission of semen while a few others produce confused speech, Kushtha (leprosy), or some other similar disease. 22.

Derivative Meaning Of " Dushi- Visha "'

A constant use of some particular time, † place and diet as well as constant and regular day-sleep tends (slowly) to poison the fundamental root-principles (Dhátus) of the body and this (slow) poison is consequently known as the Dushi-Visha. 23.

* See Chapter xxvii (Modes Of Extracting Splinters (Shalyapaniya-Madhyayam)), Sutra Sthana.

† By " the particular time" is meant a cloudy and windy day as well as the rainy season. By "the particular place" is meant a marshy country, and by "the particular diet" is meant wine, sesamum, Kulaltha-pulse, etc. as well as physical exercise, sexual intercourse, fits of anger, etc.