This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
In the first stage of a case of poisoning by a Sthávara (vegetable or mineral) poison, the tongue becomes dark brown and numbed, and epileptic fits and hard breathing follow in its wake. The second stage is marked by such symptoms as shivering, perspiration, burning sensation, itching and pain in the body; when seated in the Amásaya (stomach) it causes pain in the region of the heart, The third stage is marked by a dryness of the palate and severe (colic) pain in the stomach. The eyes become discoloured, yellow-tinted aud swollen. When seated in the Pakvás'aya (intestines) it produces hic-cough, cough, and a sort of pricking pain and rumbling sound in the Antra (intestines). The fourth stage is marked by an extreme heaviness of the head, The fifth stage is marked by salivation, discolouring of the body and a breaking pain in the joints. It is marked also by the aggravation of all the Doshas and pain in the Pakvádhána (intestines?). The sixth stage is characterised by loss of consciousness or excessive diarrhoea; while the seventh stage is marked by a breaking pain in the back, the shoulders and the waist and a complete stoppage (of respiration) *. 24.
Treatment: - In the first stage the patient should be made to vomit and to drink cold water after that. Then an Agada (Anti-poisonous remedy) mixed with honey and clarified butter should be given him. In the second stage, the patient should be first made to vomit as in the preceding stage and then a purgative should be given him. Anti-poisonous potions, medicated snuffs (Nasya) and Anjanas possessed of similar virtues are beneficial in the third stage. An anti-poisonous potion through the vehicle of a Sneha (clarified butter) is efficacious in the fourth stage. In the fifth stage the patient should be given an antipoison-ous medicine with the decoction of Yashti-madhu and honey. In the sixth stage the treatment should be as in a case of diarrhoea (Atisára) and the use of a medicated snuff in the form of an Avapida is recommended. The latter remedy (Avapida-Nasya) should be applied in the seventh stage as well and the scalp after being shaved in the shape of a Káka-pada * (crow's claw) should also † be incised with a small incision. The incised flesh and the (vitiated) blood should also be removed. 25.
* The seven stages of the poisoning are due to the poisoning of the seven fundamantal root-principles (Dhátus) of the body in succession.
After adopting the respective measures enjoined in respect of the several stages of poisoning, the patient should, in the interval of any two stages be made to drink in a cold state a gruel (Yavágu) prepared with the decoctions of Koshátaki (Ghoshá), Agnika (Ajamodá), Páthá, Surya valli, Amritá Abhayá.S'irisha, Kinihi, S elu, Giryáhvá, (white Aparájitá), the two kinds of Rajani, the two kinds of Punarnavá, Harenu, Trikatu, Sárivá, and Balá (D.R. Sárivá and Utpala) mixed with honey and clarified butter. This is beneficial in both the cases of (animal and vegetable) poisoning. 26.
* The particular form of shaving the hair, in which the part of the scalp from and above the forehead only is shaved is technically called a Káka-pada.
† The particle "va" means that the measures laid down in respect of the treatment of a Jangama poison viz. beating the patient on the head, forehead, etc. should also be resorted to.
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