Types Of Indigestion

A case of indigestion in which the undigested food matter acquires a sweet taste is called chymous (or mucous) indigestion (Amajirnam), that in which the undigested food acquires an acid taste in the stomach is called Vidagdha indigestion. The form in which the food matter brought down into the Stomach is partially or irregularly digested (one portion being digested, the other being not) followed by a pricking or piercing pain in the stomach and entire suppression of the flatus, is called Vishtabdha indigestion. The type known as indigestion of unassimilated chyle is characterised by the absence of any acid or sour eructations, but the patient feels no inclination for food inspite of the normal character of the eructations, if any. The type is further characterised by pain about the region of the heart, and water-brash. The unfavourable symptoms of indigestion are sudden loss of consciousness, delirium, vomiting, water-brash, languor with a gone-feeling in the limbs, and vertigo, etc., which may end in death.

Fasting is beneficial in a case of Amajirnam indigestion. Ejection of the contents of the stomach gives relief in a case of Vidagdha indigestion. Fomentation will alleviate a case of Vishtavdha indigestion, while in an indigestion of unassimilated chyle, the patient should be confined to bed and fomentations and digestive medicines should be administered as well. In a case of Vidagdha indigestion the patient should be made to vomit the contents of his stomach with the help of warm water saturated with salt, while in a case of chymous indigestion the patient should forego all food till he is restored to his natural condition. A patient suffering from indigestion whose system has been cleansed and lightened with the abovesaid appliances should go fasting till he is restored to his natural condition as regards the strength and humours of the body.

The eating together of both wholesome and unwholesome articles of food is called promiscuous eating (Samashanam). Over or insufficient eating at intervals and at improper seasons goes by the denomination of irregular eating (Vishamashanam). Eating before a former meal is thoroughly digested in the stomach is called Adhyashanam. These three kinds of eating are injurious, and speedily give rise to a variety of diseases, or may be ultimately attended with fatal consequences. The drinking of cold water helps the speedy digestion of a partially digested food, which has already been attended with a reactionary acidity, inasmuch as the coldness of the imbibed water tends to subdue the deranged Pittam, and the food thus moistened by the water naturally gravitates into the intestines.

The man, who complains of a burning sensation in the stomach, throat or heart, shall find relief by licking a paste made of honey and powdered Haritaki, or of pulverised Haritaki and Draksha. The man, who, though strong and effulgent with the glow of health, apprehen an attack of indigestion in the morning, rnay partake of a wholesome mid-day meal after taken powdered Abhaya and .Shunti. Appetion be experienced even in a state of indigestion, which chyle or food matter, accumulated in the stomach. pressed upon by the deranged humours, is confined. corner of the viscus without obstructing the passage of heat of the local fire. This vicarious appetite kills its duped victims with the swiftness of a poison.