Shashtika Group

The several species of Shashtika, Kanguka, Mukundaka, Peetaka, Pramodaka, Kakalaka, Asana-Pushpaka, Maha-Shashthika, Churnaka, Kuravaka, and the Kedardka, etc.

Metrical Texts

They (Shashtikas) are sweet in taste and digestion, and pacify the Vayu and the Kapham. Their properties are somewhat identical with those of Shali rice inasmuch as they are constructive, tonic and spermatopoietic, and increase the Kapham. The Shashtika is pre-eminently the most efficacious of all the other species, and leaves an astringent after-taste in the mouth. It is light, mild, demulcent and imparts strength and firmness to the body. It is astringent and sweet in digestion, and exhibits properties similar to those of the red Shali. The remaining varieties are inferior in quality, each succeeding one being inferior to the one immediately following it.

Vrihi Dhanyas

The several species of Vrihis are known as the Krishna-Vrihi, Shalamukha, Jatumukha, Nandimukha, Lavakshaka, Taritaka, Kukkutandaka, Paravataka, and the Patala, etc.

Metrical Texts

They have a sweet and astringent taste, are sweet of digestion and hot in their potencies. They tend to slightly increase the secretions of the internal organs and bring on constipation of the bowels. Their general properties are nearly identical with those of the aforesaid Shashtikas. The species Krishna-Vrihi is the best of them all. It is light, and leaves an astringent after taste, the remaining varieties gradually deteriorating in quality from the one under discussion.

Shali rice, grown on burnt land, is light of digestion, has an astringent taste, is parchifying, tends to suppress the emission of urine and the evacuation of stool, and reduces the deranged Kapham. Shali rice grown in a Jangala country has a taste slightly blended of the pungent, astringent, sweet and has a shade of bitter. It subdues the deranged Pittam and Kapham, (generates Vayu - D. R.) and is a good digestant and stomachic. Shali rice grown in a Kaidara or marshy country has a sweet taste with a shade of the astringent. It is tonic and spermatopoietic, aphrodisiac and heavy of digestion. It reduces the quantity of excrement, subdues the Pittam, and increases the Kapham.

Rice of once transplanted paddy plants (Ropya) or of those transplanted several times in succession (Ati-ropya) is light, easily digested and comparatively more efficacious. It acts as a constructive tonic and is not followed by any reactionary acidity after digestion. It destroys the deranged humours and is diuretic. Rice of paddy plants, sprouting from the stubbles of a previous harvest, is parchifying. It suppresses the evacuations of stool, has a bitter and astringent taste, subdues the Pittam, is easily digestible and generates Kapham. I have fully described the good and bad species of grain belonging to the Shali group. Similarly, I shall speak of Kudhanyas, Mudgas and Mashas, etc.